Friday, April 30

Kicking Ass With First Class?

According to Entertainment Weekly, 20th Century Fox has approached director Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass) to helm X-Men: First Class. Interestingly enough, Vaughn was originally signed on to direct X-Men: The Last Stand (responsible for the casting of both Kelsey Grammer and Vinnie Jones), but dropped out because he felt Fox's short schedule didn't give him enough time to make the movie he wanted to. I thought that he had left on bad terms, but apparently not too bad if Fox is offering the X-franchise to him once again.

As a director, Vaughn is more than capable. He only has three films under his belt: Kick-Ass, Stardust, and Layer Cake, all three of which - while vastly different in tone and style - I enjoyed greatly. My guess is the higher-ups at Fox...

Continue reading here.

Thor Shot

Just in case you were wondering what a fit and muscular Philip Seymour Hoffman would look like wearing Thor's costume.

No, but seriously, this is the film's first still shot of Thor in all his costumed glory. Interesting to note that they're not modeling him after the Ultimate universe like they do with EVERY other freakin Marvel flick.

Question? Comment?

Thursday, April 29


According to breaking reports, 20th Century Fox has secured the film rights to Incognito. The script is reported to be in the hands of Robert Schenkkan, who wrote "The Quiet American" with Michael Caine, and...a couple episodes of "The Pacific".

Interesting to see how the film will develop.

Full story here:


Holy Crap!!! They are trying to create a star... on Earth!!!

I know this doesn't quite fit the blog's theme but this is awesome and/or crazy.

Jonah Hex Trailer.

Less than two months before it comes out, Warner Brothers has (reluctantly?) finally released the trailer for Jonah Hex. You probably knew that that wasn't a good sign, and you were probably right. There is a chance that this might pull off some light entertainment, but I wouldn't really count on it. Hope you feel differently...

Click here to be underwhelmed.

Tuesday, April 27

Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield Review

Marketed to readers as yet another Deadpool book, Captain America: Who Won't Wield the Shield was anything but that. Sure it has Deadpool on the cover, and has a short Deadpool story on the inside, but it is by no mean the main focus of the book.

The main story is actually pretty funny, featuring a number of Marvels most popular writers; Jason Aaron, Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, and Brian Bendis.

The book tells a few different stories aside from the main story, such as a psychedelic Captain America story that makes you feel like you just took a hit of acid.

This is definitely worth checking out, it had some good laughs, good writing, and was a fun read in general.

And Since it was almost Deadpool free it may even be Kevin Falkenberg approved!

Buy my comics!

Marvel Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. I will refund your shipping if you want to pick it up at Jared's store.

Monday, April 26

bi-monthly comic books

I don't love bi-monthly comics.
Ozog posted the news about SCARLET.  The new project from Bendis and Maleev.  I want to be excited, yet it's 6 issues a year, maybe.  The awesome new book S.H.I.E.L.D is also bi-monthly.  So are most of the ULTIMATE  marvel books.  I don't want to whine.  But could you imagine a TV show that only came on once every two months?  How long would it last?  The only argument I can think of is Scott Pilgrim.  We wait almost a year for those books to come out.  But they are well over 100+ pages.  What are your thoughts?

Joey Chestnut Wins the Stockon Asparagus Eating Contest

If you are a fan of competive eating,
or if you want to see gaint boy and girl asparagus costumes.  Along with a costume of a huge chicken body with a small head.  Here is a video for you.

Jeffrey Brown vs. Daniel Clowes

Sunday, April 25

G-Spot (April 25-May 1)

You might be wondering what the G-Spot is. Allow me to explain. The G-Spot was inspired by an item that I discovered last night after searching for it for a long time. I had seen it once before but then it eluded me for quite some time afterward, until last night, when I rediscovered it and felt that I had to share it with you guys, who have probably not discovered it, despite the fact that almost four-hundred thousand people have hit it... man, youtube is very popular.

So the G-Spot will be a weekly column where I post something G-rated for the enjoyment of folks of all ages visiting this blog. This week, one of my favorite videos rediscovered, featuring adorable puppets playing with their instruments a song for your listening pleasure. Here it is:

Gift from Oni Press

According to sources, Oni Press is giving 1,000 Comic book stores in the US 100 of these cool looking bookmarks.  To Celebrate the release of the 6th Scott Pilgrim book.  And the release of the movie "Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World.   To See the bookmark click below.  Thanks

The is a movie.

Save your money, just rent it.

P.S. There is a snuke in the movie, but it is not like the one on South Park.

Thank You

Thank you guys for making this site relevant.

So I guess I am going to pat ourselves on the back.

Girls! Got the Shaft... What's Lost in Censorshi*

As some of you may have read, I posted an entry about the exclusive interest of some among us in "hitting" females (Yes, I'm looking at you Warm Carl and Mr. Bread) which was edited. The editing radically changed the perception of the post in one area, and it makes me look like a j*** who posted links to pornography on a site where I was asked to keep it PG-13. Among my carefully chosen words were a trio of links to non-existent sites, a joke which I intended to be on you, but which ended up on me, I guess. So to clear it up, I've deleted the links from the original post and will post them again here for your my (nobody's?) amusement.

Caution younger readers! What follows is crass and may be deemed inappropriate by your parents or legal guardians, so if you really want to keep reading, go find your mother or father, or grandpa, grandma, foster parent, head nun at the orphanage, teacher of the computer lab you're currently in (get back to your French translation worksheet!), nanny, cooler older sibling, and have them read it first to explain the mature themes to you.

www.c* linked to the website for popular pancake house chain IHOP, where the slogan is "Come hungry, leave happy!"

www.w* linked to the most delightfully cheeseball website I've seen on the internet for Sahara Sam's Water Park.* linked to mine and my brother's blog, Denzel, WA, where we're seeing and reviewing every film that comes out this year.

Sorry if any of you were offended by either version of the post.

First interesting post on the blog.

Who would win in a fight?

Deadpool or Spider-Man.

Did it just get warm in here?

let's keep it pg-13.
Some high school kids actually check this site out.
yes, I know.
Hard to believe but true.
Hello to the moms out there.
And a reminder that this site had VERY little
to do with some retail establishment in Elmira Heights.
Huh? where? what store?
Never mind.
Pretend you didn't read that.

Round 2...Redder vs everyone else...Fight.

Saturday, April 24


*this post has been edited

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 will be at Free Comic Book Day

Will Be at Free Comic Book Day!!!
I was talking to Jared today, and he is allowing me to setup and Xbox with Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 playing. We also discussed the possibility of a holding a tournament later in the day. Now if we can get enough people to compete, I was thinking about offering a 20 dollar gift certificate for the store for the winner. Anyone interested? Any better but still affordable ideas for the prize? Any feedback would be appreciated, even if just Redder tearing me down. Just Kidding about that last part.

Plus random demotivational poster:

Friday, April 23

This lovely young woman is Marjorie Liu the current author of the new Black Widow series and the up coming X-23. She has also scribed Dark Wolverine and NYX: No Way Home as well as a plethora of novels, mostly mystery/romance, with emo titles like Hunter Kiss and Dirk and Steele.
To quote our propritor, your welcome.

Bendis. Meleev. Icon.
Any one else excited?
For more info:

Wednesday, April 21

Victor Gischler: More to him than just Deadpool

Many of you may know the name Victor Gischler because of his work on popular comic titles such as Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth, or Deadpool Corps. But did you know prior to his work in comics, and till this day, is a novelist? I am a big fan of Gischler's work in comics so when I found out he wrote books I had to check them out.

I decided that I had to read one of books to see how they were, so I decided to pick up his first book "Gun Monkeys". I just finished reading the book this morning and it was pretty awesome, so I decided I should write something about it on the blog so that I can spread the word.

Gun Monkeys follows a man named Charlie Swift, who is a hired gun. When a job he is on goes horribly wrong he is forced to kill one of his own, it turns out to be just the first of many events that will lead to the destruction of life as he knows it.

The book has a great cast of characters in addition to Charlie, including his love interest Marcie, his brother Danny, his boss Stan just to name a few.

I dont want to divulge anymore information about the book because it is that good and you should check it out yourself. If you like great cliff hangers, violence, excellent writing, and a book that will keep you on your toes and wanting more, than this book is something you should give a read.

As soon as I finished Gun Monkeys I asked Gischler himself, via Twitter which book I should check out next and he recommended his most recent book "The Deputy" and based off the informational paragraph on the book of the book it looks like its going to be awesome. When I finish it ill tell you all about it.

Oh, and to top it off Gischler has a Ph.D

Kick-Ass ≥ Child Pornography?

So i was on Rotten Tomatoes seeing how Kick-Ass was fairing on there and I stumbled across this review of the movie. In this review a writer from the New Yorker discusses his distaste for the film, the directors, and almost everything else about the movie.

One thing that bothered me the most about the review is that he keeps blaming the two men who wrote the screenplay for the violent substance of the movie, never referencing Mark Millar even once. I feel as though his relation of the movie to child pornography is a little outrageous and I am not alone in this matter. There are 50+ comments on his review on the site that criticize him for his comparison.

Anyways, I'd like to hear what other think of the review so here is a link

Kick-Ass Review

Tuesday, April 20

Cornbread's Favorite and Least Favorite Comics of the Week - 4/14

Hey everyone, sorry these reviews are a little late. Ive been home on break from school and it just kinda slipped my mind. Anyways, here we go

Favorite Comic: Siege Captain America One-Shot

I was pleasantly surprised with this One-Shot. I dunno if it was because I read it after the Young Avengers one-shot, that it was better by comparison, or if it was because it was just written well. The art was a little iffy, but it wasn't that bad if my memory serves me correctly.

The thing that made the book so good was the fact that it was cool to see Cap and Bucky fighting together again, it was simply classic. The story focused on Cap and Bucky rescuing a family of civilians who were caught in the fall of Asgard from both the destruction of the fall, as well as protecting him from b-list (if that) villain Razor-Fist. Its a great issue to help introduce the relationship between Bucky and Cap to non-Captain America readers, which is good because its a tie in.

It is a solid issue, and not only preps new readers for how important Captain America (Both of them) to the Siege storyline, but it also presents a well put together one-shot featuring Cap that isnt essential to the Siege story-line; unlike the Loki one shot which finally illustrates what Loki has been doing the whole time since he egged Norman on to wage war on Asgard.

If youre a fan of Captain America, definitely check out this issue, if youre not a fan but would like to be a fan check out this issue, if you hate Captain America but thought that you should read this issue for the overall Siege storyline, then you can just forget about this issue because it isnt that important to everything as a whole.

7 out of 10

Least Favorite Comic: Daredevil #506

Although this issue wasn't terrible, it just was not acceptable for a book that was more than a month delayed. I picked up Daredevil after the events of issue #500 which follows Daredevil and his struggle to lead the Hand, and so far it has been pretty good. The first 4 issues were spectacular because of De La Torre's art, and the last two issues had a change of artist which really knocked the book down a few notches for me. Especially since the book shifted over the Matt's relationship with one of the Hand's sub-bosses Bakuto.

In this issue there was a decently interesting fight scene at the beginning of the book featuring Murdock and Bakuto, but it wasn't anything that great and kinda just seemed too drawn out. The book goes on to have more people bickering about Bukato and his misbehavior (much like the last issue) and quickly ended with a mediocre plot twist; which I wont reveal because that would just be too much of a spoiler.

I am just hoping this book switches back to being overwhelmingly excited like it used to be in the next issue, as well as that I hope that the next issue is on time so that I dont lose even more interest in what is going on in the story. I guess we will see what happens next time it's released.

The best part of this issue was the cover by Rivera

4 out of 10

It took ten years, but Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 is coming

Finally after a decade, Capcom announced that in 2011 Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 with be released. Reports say that there will be at least 30 playable characters and are still trying to added more. I am excited for this, how about you?

Monday, April 19


Boom, two posts in one day. Jared, I've filled this month's quota.


Since Marvel would be nothing without silhouetted guessing games, we get a new one this week!

This fall, X-Force is back and (almost) all new! Penned by the oft-overlooked and under-appreciated Rick Remender, the team finds themselves up against the forces of Apocalypse. Yes, the crazy-lipped, Darwinian mutant is looking to capitalize on the events of Second Coming by ushering in his Age of Apocalypse (without the silly "big-haired son travels back in time and accidentally kills his dad *whoops!*" plotline)

So, I'm opening the floor for guesses. Judging from the picture, I'm betting Wolverine is on the team. Remender assures fans that all the new members of X-Force are A-list mutants, so it will be "interesting" to see who he has chosen.

That being said, the silhouette at the top is clearly Maggot.


O.M.I.T.: One Moment In Time

It was announced that the oh-so-interesting O.M.I.T. teaser pages that have been filling Marvel books in the past few weeks now have some meaning!

The "One Moment In Time" storyline, flowing through upcoming Amazing Spider-Man issues 637-640, centers around the wedding that never happened.

Yes, we will finally find out what happened when Peter and Mary Jane were all set to walk the green mile aisle. This thrilling tale will now completely rub out the events of Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21

So what do we think? Does Mary Jane reveal that she was boffing another dude? Perhaps Joe Q.? Does Peter find himself scrapping with a ruinous villain such as the Octopus man or Rhino guy? Or perhaps he is struck by some 11th hour brown runs.

What do we think?

I, Zombie preview pages

I am very excited about the comic book 'I, Zombie' available soon from Vertigo.
If only because of the amazing artwork of Mike Allred.

click read more to see some pages and a link to the newsarama article.

Friday, April 16

Just found a picture that seems to be legit (not talking about the banner)

Was looking around for some stuff on the Secret Avengers and apparently Marvel released the entire roster on the 14th. I dont want to tell anyone in case they want to continue to guess but here's a link to the page with the artwork that I found.

Roger Ebert is a Moron

Below is a link to Roger Ebert's review of Kick-Ass. He makes himself look like a idiot and he needs to realize that this is a movie based off a comic book. Please read and let me know what you think of it.

Dumb A$$

Thursday, April 15

Who would you rather see die?

If you aren't aware, Marvel has announced that someone is going to die in X-Men Second Coming Chapter Five (X-Force #26) and I was wondering if anyone had any preferences. A promo picture was released and with it the tagline "To save the world, one of these X-Men will die." Who do you want to see bite it?

My choice: Nightcrawler. While yes, it would be sad to see Kurt do one last BAMF six feet below the earth, I feel like it's his time. There are other competent teleporters: Magik and Pixie and their teleporting range are much longer than Kurt's, thus making him obsolete. We will have to wait and see who is right and Magik or Emma Frost die, I will be so angry with Marvel I might start reading Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers just so they think it was a 'success.'

Wednesday, April 14

New Secret Avengers Announced

Valkyrie and Moon Knight are the newest Marvel heroes to be announced as members of Brubaker's "Secret Avengers". I had Moon Knight pegged but guessed Emma Frost instead of Valkyrie. I enjoy the fact that Marvel removes certain details from the blacked out pictures so they aren't dead giveaways and have been surprised how exciting speculating has been. Secret Avengers seems to be shaping up to be quite interesting. Also if the first silhouette isn't Steve Rogers I'll eat my hat or whatever the more modern equivalent is.


You: Hi.
Stranger: Hey.
You: You into music?
Stranger: Yup! You?
You: Not really.
You: Just kidding.
Stranger: Haha.
You: Do you like Beethoven?
Stranger: He's pretty good.
You: Do you like Handel?
Stranger: Never heard of that one.
You: Do you like Durst?
> Your partner disconnected. Reconnecting...

If You Hear A Strange Sound Outside

The Title:
The Cabin in the Woods
Release Date:
January 14th, 2011

Reasons why you should be excited:

1) It's directed by first time helmer and Cloverfield scribe Drew Goddard, a frequent writer for Lost, Alias, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel.
2) It's co-written by Joss Whedon himself. 'Nuff said.
3) It features the lovely Amy Acker (Angel, Alias, Dollhouse).
4) The rest of the cast is also great and includes the soon-to-be-Thor Chris Hemsworth (Star Trek).
5) It has an awesome set of teaser posters with great tag-lines (which you can view here).
6) It is apparently going to be a creature feature!

If these aren't enough reasons for you to at least give this film a chance then I don't know what could. We've still got a while before the film premieres (and Whedon and Goddard are keeping most production info under wraps), but I figured the numerous Joss Whedon and J.J. Abrams connections (and the presence of Whedon himself as a writer/producer) were enough to warrant early coverage since I myself am a huge fan of both filmmakers. I've always wondered what a collaboration between the two might look like, and while The Cabin in the Woods isn't exactly that, perhaps it will serve as a preview of what I hope to eventually see someday.

Check out my blog here.

Tuesday, April 13

This is a very Attractive Young Women Whom I would like Copulate with AKA ID TOTALLY HIT THAT!

Seriously, who wouldn't hit that?

1. She likes comics and video games
2. She looks great in a bikini
3. She is going to be in Iron Man 2
4. She is HOT

Olivia Munn is a self proclaimed nerd who is a co-host of the show Attack of the Show in G4. She is in a number of movie, including as mentioned before Iron Man 2. She likes posing in skimpy clothing/bikinis since she does it all the time. I think the only disappointing thing about her is that she was on the cover of playboy but wasn't nude on the inside. But hey, ill allow it. But regardless of all of these random facts I just gave you about her, when it comes down to it ID HIT THAT!

Cornbread's Favorite Comic of the week - 4/7

I decided that this week only warranted a Favorite comic of the week because of how small the week was for me. I think I picked up something like 5 books and all of them were pretty good. Regardless, here is my review!

Favorite Comic - S.H.E.I.L.D #1
*Warning Spoiler Alert*

First off, everyone know that this book was going to be good because it was written by Johnathan Hickman and he is freakin awesome! Secondly, any book that has promotional art with Leonardo Da Vinci is going to be awesome as well. Dustin Weavers art is spectacular and really brings to life Hickman's work and keeps the reader drawn in the whole time. This was a book I was so excited about I pushed it on almost everyone I talked to. It was neat to see the Origins of S.H.E.I.L.D as well as see how so many famous people from history were part of S.H.E.I.L.D and how they had an effect of protecting the people of the world. By far the coolest part of the book was when it showed Galileo and how he created a machine to combat Galactus, who is attacking Italy. Aside from all this history, there is also an overarching storyline about Leonid and his recruitment to S.H.E.I.L.D as well as his fathers involvement with the organization. I cannot find any faults with this book, it is pure greatness and I would not change a thing.

Hey, maybe if we are lucky they will make a movie out of it and they can have Chris Evans and Ryan Reynolds play every character! That would make it even better! WOOO

10 out of 10

POST #125!!!!!!!!

I can't believe this is post #125!
and this post stinks!
Thank you all you guys and girls (ha)
that have posted your thoughts,
fears and heart aches.
So, what do you think?
Should we change the name?
Does suck?
Myself and friends have thrown other names around.
So please give me your hope and dreams on how to make this thing better.
I'm still amazed that this is post number 125. This is crazy, or crappy, I don't know.

Hey look, no page break.
Over the weekend I had the pleasure to be a part of the Raging Bullets podcast, joining hosts Sean Whelan and Jim Segulin in the last part of their Blackest Night coverage.  Raging Bullets has become one of the most successful DC Comics podcasts and have played hosts to people like Gail Simone and other comics creators in the past.

Sean and Jim are great ambassadors for the comics medium and if you don't already listen to their show, please consider giving them a shot. Raging Bullets goes very in-depth into their discussions so their episodes are pretty lengthy, but they are a lot of fun to listen to. If you're not careful you'll find yourself getting sucked into buying more books that you already do, because you can't help but get caught up in their enthusiasm for the subject matter. And Jared will thank you!  They always let you know what they found great in the books they are covering and spend more time talking about what they like than complaining about what they don't, which is refreshing giving all the negativity prevalent on the Internet.

Their Blackest Night wrapup, their 202nd episode, was released last night and can be downloaded directly by clicking here, or you can visit their website to get it as well as subcribing to the show via your favorite podcast catcher. You can also listen to their epsiodes on Get Your Geek On Radio, our own locally owned and operated Internet radio station.

And you'll at least be guaranteed to hear what a complete idiot I am!

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Monday, April 12

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths Review

I know this is very late, but I am going to do this anyway. Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths is the latest Animated DC movie produced by Bruce Timm. I just going to get this out of the way, this is mixed bag.

The plot is a good Lex Luthor for another dimension jumps to the League's dimension in order to get help to deal with the Crime Syndicate (evil Justice League). Now the story is not the best but it is serviceable. The romance between the Martin Manhunter and the President daughter comes out now where and isn't need. Also their is an way to obvious reference to Aliens. But their are some cool moments such as evil Hawkman getting blow up, and the the fights are fun to watch.

Now the voice acting. James Woods does play Owlman well. His voice really hit home the cold and calculating personality of Owlman. Some voices seem out of place. Like Brian Boom, who plays Ultraman (evil Superman), who play like and Italian mobster. Also William tries a intimidating Batman voice but just does not quite succeed. The rest do their jobs well. Overall the voice work is not great but it isn't the worst.

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, is worth checking out, but definitely a rent before you buy.


The good news: the great band Phoenix is giving fans a free download of the album 'live in Sydney" at it's website

The bad news: good luck getting it!!!
The server is always down.  If you listen to it before me, let me know how it is.

click more if you want to see Phoenix on Letterman and or debate if Phoenix is better then Third Eye Blind or The Gin Blossoms....

Green Lantern Uniform will be CGI

One of the milestones that most Green Lantern fans are waiting for is the release of an image of Ryan Reynolds wearing the GL uniform. All of us hoping for a leaked image will be in for a disappointment with the news that Reynolds isn't wearing one.

No, he's not running around nude, but Warner Brothers is going a different route with Hal's uniform, one that will be either incredible awesome or incredibly lame. The costume, according to Slashfilm, will be computer generated in post production. According to their report, Reynolds is wearing a mocap suit similar to the one worn by Billy Crudup when he played Dr. Manhattan in the Watchmen film.

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Sunday, April 11

Wednesday, April 7

Astonishing Junk in the Trunk

*An excerpt from a post I wrote for my site early last March, posted here at Jared's suggestion.

Thrilling, well-written, and beautifully drawn, Marvel's current Astonishing X-Men series, launched by fanboy god Joss Whedon and artist John Cassaday, is getting a relaunch of sorts. I guess the official word in the comic industry is "reboot," which I don't really understand as this new arc, set to be released later this spring, is less of a reboot and more of a creative new direction. It won't be starting from scratch. Rather, this new story-line, a limited series titled Xenogenesis, will simply offer new readers a chance to jump into the Astonishing mythos without having to have read the thirty-five issues that will have already gone to print.

I'm cool with that idea. What I'm not entirely sold on yet is artist Kaare Andrews. I've glanced at some of his other work and, truth be told, he has some great stuff out there, but unfortunately his promotional art for this series isn't doing him any favors. I'm okay with Cyclops, Wolverine, and Beast, and Armor's look is pretty neat, but I'm not sure how I feel about Storm going back to the Mohawk, and I am definitely not a fan of Emma Frost's ghetto booty. I mean, I am all for artists making comic book women more real, but come on, that is way more than just a little bit of junk in the trunk. And is that her hair flowing down to her feet? What is up with that?

I only worry so much because a large part of why...

If you're interested, check out the rest of my original post here.

A Reason to Wake Up in the Morning

Hey everyone,
Last night I watched an episode of Man v. Food on Travel Channel. Don't know if youre familiar with the premise but here it is: this loud, fat guy (Adam Richman) goes across the country looking for these big challenges (i.e. try to eat a 72 oz steak in 40 minutes). He normally does at least one challenge an episode but when he isn't eating, he's showing you the other items on the menu at these places he's at. Now to where things get better.

This breakfast omelet is called the 'Smothered B.A.' Inside this beauty is a nice piece of country fried steak, hashbrowns, fresh jalapenos, onions, and cheddar cheese. This is beautiful. Oh wait, WHAT?!? That's not all!?!?! No, folks, it is topped with some homemade country gravy. I am crying out of love.

While it wasn't a challenge, it was certainly entertaining to watch and made me start to think that if I were ever to see one I might still be dreaming.

iPad, iSchmad!

Don't drink it!
In my real life I'm a technologist - I buy and implement technology for school districts in the Finger Lakes region of New York.  Part of my role includes visioning and determining how best to integrate technology into classroom curriculum.  I wouldn't say I'm a technology snob, but I do tend to analyze this stuff because schools can't afford to waste money and I won't spend taxpayers' hard earned cash on fads and over hyped gadgets that aren't dependable and can't be supported.

So of course a lot of people I work with have been asking me about the iPad.  I'll share with anyone who wants to read about it that you'd be wasting your money on this first generation attempt at a revolutionary device...and wait until HP launches their Slate later this year if you really want a cool gadget to surf the web on your couch or read color ebooks.  That is, of course, unless you're a Steve Jobs' Kool-Aid drinking Apple cultist who can't see logic through your rose colored iGlasses.

Abin Sur's Ship!?

There's been quite a bit of information coming out of New Orleans where the upcoming Green Lantern film has been shooting for the past few weeks. Some of the information is really amazing including a photo taken of a mysterious ship over the water that may very well belong to Abin Sur.

First off, we have confirmation on the role that Jay O. Saunders will be playing in the movie. Saunders was spotted on the set in the middle of March when filming began and the Old Point Bar, rechristened "Broome's Bar" for the movie. He will be portraying Carl Ferris in the movie, a role in the first draft of the script that didn't have much face time. Given that he was shooting at the bar there must have been more screen time added for the character in the subsequent rewrites of the movie.

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