Sunday, April 25

Thank You

Thank you guys for making this site relevant.

So I guess I am going to pat ourselves on the back.

1. I am proud of us for being able to disagree without name calling or insults. (for the most part)

2. At least half of the contributors on the list actually do contribute weekly.  I am happily surprised at the       amount of discussion constantly happening.

3. I like the fact that if a particular person says a particular phrase, He knows that it will be met with backlash.   And that's fine.  I'm happy with that.
Those of us that think it is immature have made our point.  So if the phrase is thrown around - so will the jokes about how unlikely it will be for the person to "verb" the "noun"

4. Thank you for dealing with the editing/censorship.

I am very proud of this site and what we all have done to make it fun.

I really wanted a Facebook replacement. I feel that has been accomplished.

So, thank you ALL.