Tuesday, April 13

POST #125!!!!!!!!

I can't believe this is post #125!
and this post stinks!
Thank you all you guys and girls (ha)
that have posted your thoughts,
fears and heart aches.
So, what do you think?
Should we change the name?
Does blogsout.net suck?
Myself and friends have thrown other names around.
So please give me your hope and dreams on how to make this thing better.
I'm still amazed that this is post number 125. This is crazy, or crappy, I don't know.

Hey look, no page break.


  1. That cake looks like Johnny Depp in Alice in Wonderland.

  2. ha ha ha.
    So Hot Topic will sell it soon.
    And hundreds of thirteen year old girls will HAVE to HAVE it!

  3. Why does that cake only say 25?
    I bet you probably tried to put the '1' in front and Microsoft Paint gave you an "overachiever" error.

  4. Thought: People in the DCU are really stupid if just putting on a pair of glasses keep superman secret identity safe
    Fear: Jeph Loeb as Editor-in-Cheif of Marvel
    Heartache: Trix are no long fruit shaped.
