Sunday, April 25

First interesting post on the blog.

Who would win in a fight?

Deadpool or Spider-Man.


  1. Dude, Spider-man would so win. Now the fight I want to see is Stan Lee vs. the reanimated corpse of Jack Kirby. Then maybe Jack could get those royalties he is owed.

  2. ha ha ha ha.
    Good job Bones.
    Who would win:
    Grant Morrison vs Deadpool?

  3. Stan Lee would win because he's evil reincarnate and he also invented comic books.

    And Jared you know the outcome of that battle. Morrison would tell Deadpool that our universe is actually just a 5th dimensional being in its larval state and that time is actually just one moment and that multiple personality disorder is actually just the next step in the evolution of mankind. Then when Deadpool tries to cut his head off so he doesn't have to hear his scottish gibberish anymore, well thats when Morrison kills him with his heat vision laser beams. But if you're talking about Ryan Reynolds Deadpool then I gues he would win. He's got heat vision laser beams, teleportation and arm blades.

  4. Bones I am sorry you are wrong. Grant Morrison would just get high.

  5. That might be true. In which case we could all just be apart of his hallucination. Morrison could be writing your life and mine at this very moment. Think about that Carl. Mind explosion!

  6. plot



  7. I never thought about that Bones. Dude, I need to rethink my whole life. Man just when I thought I figuring out life this bomb get drop on me.

  8. You don't have a life if you're part of a dream. Or maybe you're just as real as anything else. Someone needs to watch Waking Life.

  9. Grant Morrison made 'Waking Life'?
    Wow, that guy really is amazing...
