Sunday, April 25

Gift from Oni Press

According to sources, Oni Press is giving 1,000 Comic book stores in the US 100 of these cool looking bookmarks.  To Celebrate the release of the 6th Scott Pilgrim book.  And the release of the movie "Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World.   To See the bookmark click below.  Thanks


  1. Amazing. Any idea if you'll be able to get them?

  2. That comic shop owner guy with the lame hairApril 25, 2010 at 5:50 PM

    sadly, I don't know yet.
    I will find out Wednesday.
    Whenever the UPS driver drops my boxes in a puddle of rain water and says "whoops, I hope there wasn't anything fragile in there."

    true story.

  3. Yoooo That really happened!? Holy hell, how much shit got ruined?

    Also, its kinda funny that they are like "Catch up on all the books!" yet you can reorder like any of the volumes. I cant wait to see you try to explain that to people hahha

  4. I wonder why you never see the guy draw THAT on the whiteboard.
