Over the weekend I had the pleasure to be a part of the Raging Bullets podcast, joining hosts Sean Whelan and Jim Segulin in the last part of their Blackest Night coverage. Raging Bullets has become one of the most successful DC Comics podcasts and have played hosts to people like Gail Simone and other comics creators in the past.
Sean and Jim are great ambassadors for the comics medium and if you don't already listen to their show, please consider giving them a shot. Raging Bullets goes very in-depth into their discussions so their episodes are pretty lengthy, but they are a lot of fun to listen to. If you're not careful you'll find yourself getting sucked into buying more books that you already do, because you can't help but get caught up in their enthusiasm for the subject matter. And Jared will thank you! They always let you know what they found great in the books they are covering and spend more time talking about what they like than complaining about what they don't, which is refreshing giving all the negativity prevalent on the Internet.
Their Blackest Night wrapup, their 202nd episode, was released last night and can be downloaded directly by clicking here, or you can visit their website to get it as well as subcribing to the show via your favorite podcast catcher. You can also listen to their epsiodes on Get Your Geek On Radio, our own locally owned and operated Internet radio station.
And you'll at least be guaranteed to hear what a complete idiot I am!
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"they spend more time talking about what they like than complaining about what they don't, which is refreshing giving all the negativity prevalent on the Internet."
ReplyDeleteWhat?! negativity on the internet!?
never seen it....