Friday, April 23

This lovely young woman is Marjorie Liu the current author of the new Black Widow series and the up coming X-23. She has also scribed Dark Wolverine and NYX: No Way Home as well as a plethora of novels, mostly mystery/romance, with emo titles like Hunter Kiss and Dirk and Steele.
To quote our propritor, your welcome.


  1. What i think Ozog is trying to say is that he would TOTALLY HIT THAT

    I would like to second Ozog, and say that I would also hit that.

    Thank you.

  2. I would be all over that like a hobo on a ham sandwich.

  3. I guess what it boils down to is that you two will bone anything with a pulse.

    Makes me glad I'm dead inside.

  4. Kevin, that is not true. I do have standards. Sure, quite a few lovely ladies make the cut, but hey I am a easy going guy.
