Monday, February 8

Third Eye Blind finally releases a good video

Jared invited me to write about anything, up to and including "...your brother's films and even Third Eye Blind." So here's the music video Kevin made for them. He got paid in bearsuits. Go to the Youtube link to see it fullscreen and in glorious HD:


  1. Cool video. It kept me laughing, especially Tim playing the drums without a shirt (no homo) all hairy and shiz. Is this a legit video for 3EB? Also....they still suck BONGGGGG

  2. Last week I was listening to a talk radio show discussing FURIES. People that dress up in animal suits (like bears and gorillas) then get it on. Hump each other.
    So, I was kind of wondering if that was going to happen in the video....
    in the last 5 seconds the bear starts humping the air next to the strip club sign.

    Way to go Tim's brother.
    Great video.
    Third Eye Blind: not a bad song.
    Kind of a lame laid back suburban song about starting a riot.
    "Start a riot "
    at the check out ling in Target while buying toothpaste?
    While driving your kid to soccer practice?
    While Third Eye Blind is playing at some backwoods fairground?
    ha ha ha

    This was fun.

