Favorite Comic: Siege #2
*Warning Possible Spoiler Alert*

Marvel really did it right this time. Siege issue two was by far the best thing I have read in a long time. Not only was it non-stop action, but it actually moved the story along in a manner that makes you believe that the next two issues will be just as good.
There are two main reasons as to why this book won me over as book of the week:
1. It totally made up for Siege #1, which although was a good book, it was lacking majorly due to the fact it was basically setting up for issue 2 and the fact that every had read the first seven pages 600 times.
2. Please refer to the issue on page 21 and 22 for an excellent fold out page that cant be described with words. If you want to know what it is you will just have to pick up the issue yourself.
Another reason why I greatly enjoyed this book is that it focused around Ares, and he is a character that never gets old. In addition, for a few pages the book was focused on the Secret Warriors and showed that Phobos was not going to be included in the battle for Asgard, which I think is going to play a major role later in the story line. Plus, there was a funny scene featuring Nick Fury and Phobos that was pretty funny.
As the cover showed, a main player in the issue was going to be the Sentry, who typically I am not a fan of, but in this issue, he was redeemed. They finally have him playing the role of the crazy unstoppable force that he should be. Not the little crying baby they have had him playing recently.
I hope that Bendis and Coipel keep it up and deliver with Siege issues 3 and 4, because after this issue fans are going to be looking for a quality book, and a possibly a quality finish to a major Marvel Universe crossover.
9.5 out of 10
Least Favorite: Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost
*Warning Possible Spoiler Alert*

This is a 64 page comic, and I feel as though the action that I expected from it didnt begin until the last 10 pages or so. The majority of the comic focused on setting the back story of Aladdin, as well as the main villian Qassim. I think that the background info could have been condenced into about 10-15 pages and then the actual story could have begun and lasted the majority of the book instead of the opposite.
I think that the next book should deliver what I was expecting in this book, which will be good cause I will definitely be finishing the series. I think that the story as a whole has the potential to be awesome, and maybe would have been better if it was collected into one book instead of 3.
I did like the books packaging though, I have never got a square bound book before so it was new and exciting. Also the fact that it was released by radical was cool because i like getting books from smaller companies.
But despite all of the good, it was the content of the book that I am rating and it just wasnt there in my opinion which just disappointed me.
5.5 of out 10
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