Monday, February 22

Olympics! Medals! Sexy pics?

File this under "advice of the day"

1. If you win an Olympic metal for the U.S.A, do not let a cute drunk girl bite it. 
 2. Do not put the medal next to your crotch while a cute drunk girl bites the medal. 
3. DO  NOT put the metal next to your crotch while a cute drunk girl bites the medal AND your dumb buddies take a picture of it.  FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE.

If this happens you will have to apologize to a bunch of people and become shamed into leaving the Olympics early.

Take a lesson from Olympic bronze medalist Scotty Lago.


  1. haha this is great, ive been laughing since I read it. Ill take your advice, the only person ill let bite the medal around my crotch is you, and only if its gold. No one will care if its a balding old guy with gay hair

  2. So Cornbread agrees with Lago that the crotch medal biting is, at times, a good choice. It must be a Seabrook thing.
