What do you get when you take what could have been a boring silhouette and make it really cool by adding the weirdest photograph James McAvoy has ever posed for in a random spot, and removing all traces of his corporeal form, leaving a floating face that is being stabbed in the eyebrow by the lack of silhouette...?

This movie looks pretty cool.
It seems like Fox is really trying their best to screw this movie with crappy marketing.
ReplyDeleteI think this looks like crap
ReplyDeleteLooks like crap? Think about how cool this is. Thats a silhouette of Professor X and the picture of the face of a young him before he became a monster confined to a chair. Thats kind of what the whole movie is about really. I'm with Brad, I think its mad cool. Imagine the amount of minutes someone spent on this and imagine the amount of money they were paid. Every cent deserved. This is the pinnacle of modern art and the guy who did the tomato soup can pictures would be proud.
ReplyDeleteJust to reiterate... the face is of a young Charles Xavier before he got all crippled and balded. And the silhouette is of Professor X who is the future Charles Xavier. So the X in Professor X stands for Xavier. So he should be called Professor Xavier but he shortened it to X. So thats why his team is called the X-Men. I hope they explore this in greater depth in the movie. I think this is the greatest movie poster of our generation and I can't wait to check out the movie when it airs on TNT (hopefully with limited commercial interruption.)
ReplyDeleteOkay, it's become abundantly clear to me that certain people still aren't getting this. This is the last time I'm going to explain it so pay close attention. Silhouette = old Charles Xavier. Floating face = young Charles Xavier. The floating face is over the silhouette because it symbolizes that Charles Xavier will age. And that one day young Charles Xavier will become old Charles Xavier and on that day he will shorten his name to Professor X because even mutant cripples want to stay eternally young and cool. It's the american dream isn't it? Well his students still won't respect him no matter how badly he wants them to. They'll probably call him names like Professor Xylophone to make fun of him. They won't say it to his face but he'll know because he can read minds too. I forgot to mention that before. Never mind this is more complicated then I thought. This might be more confusing then X-Men: The Last Stand or X-Men Origins: Wolverine... or Hidalgo.