I am personally not a big fan of Batman. Most of the time when a series comes out involving the character, it really depends on who is writing and/or who is doing the art. In the case of Batman: The Dark Knight, I was excited about the writer and the artist, due to the fact that the whole book is created by one man, the legendary David Finch.
David Finch has always blown me away with his outstanding artwork, but I have never read anything that he has written, and to put it simple, he is a multi-talented individual and his writing is excellent.
I have tired to get into a Batman title again for some time now, a year or so ago I was reading almost every Bat title and dropped them all almost simultaneously when I was unimpressed with what was going on with in all of the books. Since then I have been eagerly searching for a series so I could get back into the character, and with this book, I think I found what I have been looking for.
The series follows Bruce Wayne as he searches for missing girl in Gotham whom he used to know from his childhood, Dawn Golden. Any Batman fan knows that when Batman has a personal stake in the storyline, that the story is going to be better than most. In addition to his search for Dawn, he is also trying to find out more information on a drug that has hit the streets of Gotham, Venom.
Finch’s writing has a great dynamic to it, just giving enough information to allow the reader to know what is going on, but not enough for the reader to figure out more than he is supposed to know, a quality that is harder and harder to attain in writing these days. One of the aspects of this issue that I probably enjoyed the most was the way Finch carries conversation between characters in the book.
To top off the issue, it ends with the introduction of the main antagonist of the series, that is a real surprise that happens on the very last page, so it is safe to say that I will not be ruining it for all of you in this review.
Overall, I am extremely impressed with this new Batman series and I think that I will continue to read the next couple issues and hopefully pick up the series regularly. David Finch has never let me down, and he is able to keep his reputation with this new series and I have a feeling that it will flourish.
9.4 out of 10
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