Saturday, March 27


Click Here to view the trailer

Do Yourself a favor and watch the trailer before reading this.  really.

What do you think?

I love the original.  In it's neon glow glory.

I am so friggin' excited about this new film.
Having seen the trailer about a dozen times, I try to show to everyone who hasn't seen it.

It's only two minutes and twenty seconds long, yet when it hits 1:18
Turn your speakers up.
the screen is black
At 1:19 the DAFT PUNK score kicks in!
BLAM! Lightening!
There's a friggin' "recognizer" from the original!
(It's the cool looking M shaped machine)
Hot chicks in hot outfits!
Light Cycles!

then fade out.

Now go watch it agian.
If you are as excited as I am.
check this out.
the geeks from IGN dig into this trailer.  It's pretty awesome.

I would love to internet fight you if you think it looks less then amazing.


  1. I love this trailer more every time I see it. I can't wait to catch it in a theater.

  2. Okay I haven't watched the trailer yet, but I do love things with lightening in them, so maybe I'll take the iniative and check this sucker out!


    Yes it does look like a pile of awesome.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I had to delete the last comment beacuse it had spelling errors. I guess you can't edit comments. Just delete them. Anyway...
    Did you guys check out the IGN trailer commentary? What did you think? I learned a thing or two.
