Tuesday, October 12

Mark Millar's Superior

Here is the first 'ad' in a series of 4.
Promoting Mark Millar and Leinil Yu's Superior. 

I don't know how long these have been around. I just stumbled upon them today.
What do you think?
I like 'em.

It's a shame that a creative advertising campaign like this never leaves the 'comic universe'
As far as I know, this ad has never appeared in a magazine like Rolling Stone or Esquire, or I don't know.
What magazines do people read?

I think it's striking.
Does it make YOU want to read the comic?
Or was your decision made up from the creative team of Millar and Yu?

    Here's another question:

Now that Superior has been picked up for movie rights, what does that change about the comic?
Myself, honestly, I am more critical toward something like this.
Now it has said on the cover
"this comic is so awesome, a movie is in the works"
Now I will judge it on that claim.
The movie option makes it more likely to be read by more people in my opinion.  More people reading comics is a good thing.
Let's hear your thoughts

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even bother to pick this comic, because I knew that it wouldn't be anywhere close to as cool as Nemesis, so why even bother?

    Also, Mark Millar I feel is going to become the next Deadpool. Spread so thin that he will cease to be interesting.
