Monday, October 4

The man who destroyed Watchmen is at it again.

Zack Snyder has just been chosen by Christopher Nolan to direct the next Superman film that will be out in 2012. And that's just about all I have to say on the matter; as anything else that I'd like to say would be edited out by Jared Aiosa.


  1. Jared would edit it out, but somehow mess it up and I would have to take care of the editing

  2. Ha! But, Nolan, is attached so there still is hope. Also it will probably look amazing on Blu-ray.

  3. Yeah, I can't wait to see Superman fly at amazing speeds in slow motion.

  4. ha ha ha
    That is really funny.
    Is that an original 'Bones' joke, or have you stolen it?
    It's pretty friggin' good.

  5. Maybe he be reign in by Nolan. Also maybe he will go back to his roots. I mean Dawn of the Dead, no slow mo and it was pretty entertaining.
