Thursday, November 17
Monday, November 14
Monday, September 26
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Wednesday, August 24

Friday, August 19
Konbanwa fellow blogspeople!

Wednesday, August 17
DC's New 52 Commercial
Really DC, this is the best you could do? Just how does this attract new readers?
Super Quick "30 minutes of Less" Review
Tuesday, July 26
50 Girls 50 #1 Comic Review

This new sci-fi adventure from Image comics is a throwback to the golden age of comics and television, touching upon futuristic exploration of the unknown universe. A group of female spaces explorers travel through a wormhole to report on the unknown galaxy, but when their return trip home goes unexpectedly wrong these astronauts find themselves with some very important choices to make.
The comic takes this classic storyline and adds a modern twist to it
creating an interesting sci-fi adventure that fans with definitely enjoy. The story includes an intresting array of characters ranging from the remarkably attractive female astronauts to giant man eating (or in this case woman eating) bugs that are sure to give a few people nightmares.
The writing of Doug Murray and Frank Cho is nothing short of spectacular. It is nice to see an aspect of Cho’s writing as opposed to his artwork that the comic world is used to. You can clearly see the differences in writing technique between the two writers, and it is clear that one writer is the driving force behind the story while the other is taking the back seat, but who is leading who?
The art takes the cake in the talent department. Axel Medellin has an uncanny ability to mimic the art of other respected artists but give it a twist of his own. It is abundantly clear that Medellin is creating his version of Frank Cho’s work, using Cho’s style to tell Cho’s story but also giving the reader a new type of art at the same time. It is simply beautiful.
Overall 50 Girls 50 is a fun, interesting, as well as dark book. It has the qualities to be another Image hit title, but does not have the content that is needed to appeal to a wide range of readers. It is a definite read for anyone who is a fan of shows/comics like Star Trek and Dr. Who, but it is also great for any new reader who is willing to try it out.
7.5 out of 10
Wednesday, July 20
Monday, July 18
Saturday, July 16
Tuesday, July 12
Review: "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" - A fun summer movie?
Greg Rucka and Rick Burcheet Web Comic now up

Monday, July 11
Sunday, July 10
"My balls hurt"
This is no joke. Please check this out. Hilarious.
More after the page break
Tuesday, July 5
Tuesday, June 28
Green Lantern 2?
Myron over at blogofoa has been super busy for the last two months. Here's the latest on Warner Bro's plans for the franchise. (Maybe we can get added to his list of favorite blogs again...ha ha...=)
Scott Snyder
He is also writing Batman & American Vampires monthly. The artist that draw for him are top notch!
Rafael Albuquerque & Sean Murphy( American Vampires) Greg Capullo (Batman in September 2011) Yanick Paquette ( Swampthing 2011)!/ssnyder1835
podcast interview w/ IGN
Nathan Fox Monthly!
Thursday, June 16
It Arrives

Continue reading the full review here.
Sunday, June 5
Our Last Hope is the First Class

Tuesday, May 31
DC to relaunch all of their titles in September.

After Flashpoint #5 DC will relaunch all of their books starting with a new number 1 issue. The characters are said to be younger and will be living in a more current world that will speak to todays audience. The first new series that was announced is a new JLA which is being written by Geoff Johns and illustrated by Jim Lee. The other big news is that DC will finally be putting out digital comics on the same day as the physical copies.
Finally we can all stop going to Heroes.
I think it's a terrible move. I don't care what you think but you can comment anyway. I mean it's a free country or whatever.
Saturday, May 28
I guess I will be the one to say something about Thor
Sunday, May 22
Some cool prints for a great cause.
Saturday, May 7
Thursday, May 5
Free Comic Book Day Reviews Part 2
Free Comic Book Day Reviews
Wednesday, May 4
The Mighty Thor #1 Comic Review

The God of thunder himself is back in his new series by writer Matt Fraction and illustrated once more by comic great Oliver Copiel. Thor clashes with Glactus and the Silver Surfer, as he ascends into Marvel’s cosmic universe. What will this hold for Thor, and how does he expect to handle Glactus, an enemy of epic proportions?
Matt Fraction continues his work on Thor with this new title and new storyline. He balances the gravity of the current situation with the light heartedness of interactions between displaced Asgardians and the residents of Broxton, Oklaholma. The great thing about Fraction starting this title is now Thor fans not only have two great books to enjoy, but two great writers as well as Kieron Gillien takes over Fractions reigns as the writer of the primary Thor title. This provides ample amounts of instances where fans can do a compare and contrast of the writer’s interpretations of the many different characters involved.
Action Comics #900 Review

The world of comics has just released its biggest milestone yet with Action Comics #900. The title began back in 1938 with the introduction of the first superhero, Superman. 900 issues later, Superman still plays a prominent role in the series and is the main character is the primary story of the issue.
Tuesday, May 3
Super Quick Review of Fast Five.
Super Quick Portal 2 review.
P.S. yes Cave Johnson is voiced by J.K. Simmons, and he is my favorite character.
Wednesday, April 27
Fear Itself: Invincible Iron Man #503 Comic Review

As Fear Itself begins to spread through the Marvel Universe, it invades the pages of the Invincible Iron Man. The series left off last issue with many of the members of Stark Resilient in dire need of help, with Tony cornered by Doc Oc and Pepper, Pim and Tim threatened by Sandman and Electro. Although the issue does not allude to the Fear Itself crossover till towards the end of the issue, it can already be told that the pages of Invincible Iron Man will play an important role in this event.
Sunday, April 24
Tuesday, April 19
Jesus' Posse Has More Dead Presidents Than Your Bank
Journey Into Mystery #622 Comic Review

Fear itself continues as we follow the story of the recently resurrected Loki and his life among the asgardians. Thor himself believes that the young Loki that has been brought back from Hel itself is a malleable mind that can be molded for the better and escape what his pervious self had done, but can Thor convince the rest of asgard of the same?
Journey into Mystery shows Loki’s path to finding himself, learning his god powers all over again and making the decision to become what Thor wants him to be, or to fall onto the path of his former self. As the series continues, readers will see if Loki will team with Thor to eliminate this fear that looms over asgard, or will he soon become part of that which haunts asgard? Only time will tell.
Thursday, April 14

Monday, April 11
Paul & Invincible
Michael Shannon is officially General Zod.
If you don't know who he is go to the 5:28 mark of the above video to hear our own Benjamin Redder asking him a question about the funniest show on television. While you're at it take a gander at the back of Bradley and Kevin's handsome heads.
Sunday, April 10
Fear Itself #1 Comic Review

The Marvel crossover event of 2011 begins here with Fear Itself Book One. Following the aftermath of Siege, Earth is faced with a decision to make: what to do with Asgard and the fallen Asgardians. What will happen when Odin and Thor turn against each other? What does the daughter of the Red Skull have to do with all of this? All of these answers can be found inside this astonishing issue.
Saturday, April 9
Friday, April 8
Bathroom habits survey shows multitasking
I'm not sure why this survy was done.
I am surprised that 88% said they multi-
task while doing the #2.
I don't feel so odd now.
The survey shows that people are doing a lot of things inside their bathrooms besides the obvious: Eighty-eight percent use at least one electronic device in the bathroom; more than a third read their mail — both snail mail and e-mail; 43% get dressed; 20% sing; 19% listen to music via radio or iPod; 15% talk on the phone; and 3% watch TV."
Here is the site I found this article from
Thursday, April 7
Welcome Emily! is no longer a sausage party.
My friend, Emily has finally joined our site.
Emily wrote the review for 'Being Human' below.
I'm sure you animals will let her know if you like it or not.
=) smiley face.
Being Human Review
Mondays at 9:00 pm
If you haven’t been watching Being Human…I’m not completely surprised. In the current entertainment industry vampires/werewolves rein supreme and it can get a little old. However, reel in your Twilight induced knee-jerk reactions and wrap your mind around the fact that SyFy (stupid new name and all) has come out with a very solid show, but even more surprising, an entertaining show revolving around vampires and werewolves.
Wednesday, April 6
Monday, April 4
New Fresh to Death Comics Podcast!!!!
Sunday, April 3
Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters #1 Comic Review

Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters from IDW publishing is a classic take on the character Godzilla. One day the God lizard emerges from the water and lays waste to Japan, and no matter how hard they try to stop the monster all attempts are meek.
Godzilla is written by Eric Powell and Tracy Marsh, and illustrated by Phil Hester. The writing is just spectacular it is simple yet defined. Short quips of fear from the onlookers, coupled with the fast pace thinking of the Japanese government work astonishingly well with the art, building off each other, a concept that is rarely seen in comics these days.
Saturday, April 2

Now, I would feel bad for the people who got cheated out of their money--but why? These people paid their good money to see some rambling idiot wax narcissistic because he chose to abandon a multimillion-dollar television contract. Feeling bad for these people getting ripped off is like feeling bad for someone who electrocutes themselves by jamming their tongue into an electrical socket - what the hell did you expect??
The tour: Charlie Sheen: Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option (which is a hilarious title in retrospect) was a 20-city, 23-tour date show. It can be assumed that this is not only the first show, but the last.
And not a moment too soon.
Friday, April 1
20 Ridiculously Politically Incorrect Comics

Some are hilarious, some cringe-worthy. I actually found myself shocked at one or two of them.
What do you think? Funny? Shocking? Terrible?
April Fools
Reblogged from:
Since it’s April, the month for fools, I thought it appropriate to post a daily video from my favorite band of fools: The Kids in the Hall.
Each day, I will post a video from the Kids and spread the foolery. These will be carefully selected, and only my favorite bits, skits, openers, songs, & bizarre short films will be chosen.
I begin with a sketch from Episode 10 of Season 1: “Salt Confiscator”"
Thursday, March 31
New Wonder Woman T.V. Series

Tuesday, March 29
Sucker Punch: What did you think?
A few of this blog's contributors, as well as some of its visitors, were pretty excited about Zack Snyder's latest slow-motion extravaganza, Sucker Punch. Now that it's here, what do you think? Were the attractive ladies and low-cut shirts enough? I was going to post a thought-stream of my experience watching it, but I got bored, and it contained spoilers, and though part of me would like to ruin it for people who haven't seen it yet, I think Snyder does a thorough job of that himself.
For those interested, I have a full, almost snark-free review posted HERE.
Monday, March 28
Meet the new Lois

“Second only to Superman himself, the question of who will play Lois Lane is arguably what fans have been most curious about. So we are excited to announce the casting of Amy Adams, one of the most versatile and respected actresses in films today. Amy has the talent to capture all of the qualities we love about Lois: smart, tough, funny, warm, ambitious and, of course, beautiful.”Adams joins a cast that includes Henry Cavill as Superman and Diane Lane and Kevin Costner as Martha and Jonathan Kent, respectively.
Sunday, March 27
Quick Movie Reviews of Paul & Battle L.A.
For a Second opinion: Click Here
Wednesday, March 23
The Captain America trailer is here!
I can't claim to know much about Captain America, but I think this looks pretty cool. Thoughts?
Cartoon Network Joins the DC Nation
FF (Future Foundation) #1 Comic Review! Get it Here first at

Finally the culmination of Jonathan Hickman’s arc of Fantastic Four has reached its pinnacle with the release of FF #1. The answers that Fantastic Four fans have been waiting for are finally going to be explained and it all starts here in this issue, and it begins with a heartfelt goodbye from theHuman Torch himself that was recorded prior to his death.
Tuesday, March 22
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"That's what I know the most about" |
If you have listened to the last episode of the podcast, episode 2.75, here is a recap of the important talking points Chris made.
A Pirate's Life For Me
Clive Barkers Hellraiser #1 Comic Review

The comic adaptation of Clive Barkers classic horror movie Hellraiser was more impressive than I originally thought it was going to be. Most of the time that there is an adaptation of a movie, no matter how good the movie is, the reader is disappointed, but Boom really has a good book on their hands, both well written and illustrated.
The book starts off with the classic Hellraiser story line, someone has found the box and Pinhead and his minions have come to claim their lives with a beautifully gruesome death, which is illustrated in this book by Leonardo Manco. The story continues, focusing more on Pinhead himself as he seeks out a new experience in his life, becoming mortal. It will be interesting to see how this endeavor pans out, and how the life of Kirsty Cotton will play a role in it.
Monday, March 21
Stephen King to write an Episode for the Walking Dead Season 2
BlogsOut Episode 2.75
So here is my solo episode. Enjoy
Episode 2.75: Chris Makes Fun of Jared and Wrestles a Panther
The new Dr. Pepper Cherry Commercial Feat. Fergie
Has anyone seen the new Dr. Pepper Cherry commercial featuring everyone's favorite Superbowl musician Fergie?
If she is trying to redeem herself after her awful performance at the Superbowl, it's not working.
Let BlogsOut know your thoughts
The Return of CrossGen continues with Ruse #1

Ruse is the second title to be released by Marvel’s recently resurrected CrossGen publishing. It is a miniseries about the world’s greatest detective, and his partner/assistant and how they solve the crimes that plague the streets of England.
The first thing that is noticeable about this series is that it is strangely familiar, as if a series that chronicles the events of a great detective and his partner already existed. Does Sherlock Holmes ring a bell? Ruse is highly unoriginal, and it is as if the creator of the series took almost every aspect of Holmes and created the character Simon Archard.
Sunday, March 20
Ho-ray! is BACK!
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Check it out.
The Blogsout Show Episode 2.5
I had some rare free time on my here you go: Episode 2 1/2.
I don't consider this a full episode because Chris wasn't involved.
Episode: 2.5 Chris buys Groceries on Sunday
March 20th, 2011
Jared is alone on this one. Yes, the music is loud at first. It gets softer eventually. I hope you like it. If not, I'm sure you will let me know (Carl) ha ha ha. As always, thanks a ton for listening!
Here are some important websites!
Russian X-Men: First Class Trailer
Saturday, March 19
Batman vs. The Terrorists?

Has Batman Inc. been infiltrated by a sleeper agent?!
Wednesday, March 16
Sigil #1 Comic Review and the Return of CrossGen Comics

Sigil is the first of Marvel’s new CrossGen line of comics, soon to be followed by The Ruse. Sigil is a miniseries written by writer Mike Carey who is best known for his work on Marvel’s X-Men Legacy and Vertigo’s the Unwritten.
The story follows 16 year old girl Samantha as she struggles with average high school troubles such as bullies and class. But she is unlike other girls her age, she recently developed an interesting birthmark on her chest that has also began to cause out of this world dreams unlike anything anyone could imagine.