The God of thunder himself is back in his new series by writer Matt Fraction and illustrated once more by comic great Oliver Copiel. Thor clashes with Glactus and the Silver Surfer, as he ascends into Marvel’s cosmic universe. What will this hold for Thor, and how does he expect to handle Glactus, an enemy of epic proportions?
Matt Fraction continues his work on Thor with this new title and new storyline. He balances the gravity of the current situation with the light heartedness of interactions between displaced Asgardians and the residents of Broxton, Oklaholma. The great thing about Fraction starting this title is now Thor fans not only have two great books to enjoy, but two great writers as well as Kieron Gillien takes over Fractions reigns as the writer of the primary Thor title. This provides ample amounts of instances where fans can do a compare and contrast of the writer’s interpretations of the many different characters involved.
The highlight of the new series is the return of artist Olivier Copiel.
When comic fans think of Thor, many of them are thinking of Copiel’s art, as he was the man responsible for resurrecting the God of thunder years back with writer J. Michael Stracynski. The issue features a number of colorists that gives identity to the different aspects of the story, for example, time in Broxton vs. time in space.
Overall the issue is very enjoyable, great writing meets even better art as Thor is given another title to carry out his many adventures. It is a wonder how this title will eventually tie into the Fear Itself crossover. It is nice to see Copiel back on a Thor title, but he is notorious for being late with his books, so that could have a negative effect on it’s success compared to other titles featuring the God of thunder. It will be interesting as to how this new twist on this classic character will pan out.
8.5 out of 10
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