The world of comics has just released its biggest milestone yet with Action Comics #900. The title began back in 1938 with the introduction of the first superhero, Superman. 900 issues later, Superman still plays a prominent role in the series and is the main character is the primary story of the issue.
The issue has contributions from a number of big names in the industry, which is easily visible from the comic shelves themselves with covers from David Finch, Alex Ross, and a variant cover from Adam Hughes. And the talent doesn’t stop there, contributing to the writing are big name comic writers like Paul Dini, Geoff Johns, Paul Cornell, as well as non-comic related writers such as Richard Donner who directed the first Superman movie, David Goyer who wrote the screenplay for the Dark Knight, and Damon Lindelof the co-creator of the hit television series LOST.
The art in the issue is stunning as well, aside from the cover art, there are contributions from big name artists such as Dan Jurgens, Gary Frank, and Rags Morales and well as many more including a number of favorite inkers and colorists. With the multitude of stories that are in this issue, it is great to see all of the different art styles, being able to compare and contrast all the different aspects that go into creating comic book art.
Overall, Actions Comics is packed with great stories, exciting action and quality artwork. The book is a whopping 96 pages long, at a steep price of $5.99, but for the amount of time and the epicness of the issue as a whole it is hard to pass up this book. It is hard to believe that comics have come this far and that Superman has had the lasting effect that he has had over the years, but all the proof you need is here in this issue, and it is one you will not want to miss.
9 out of 10
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