Earlier this week, I tracked down a copy of Cyborg after searching for it for a couple of months. If you're unaware of what it is, Cyborg was made to salvage costumes and sets intended for a sequel to Masters of the Universe and a live-action Spider-Man film, both to be directed by Albert Pyun, the man responsible for preposterously awful (though 100% worth watching) Alien From L.A. Deals with Mattel and Marvel fell through, so he wrote Cyborg to put the $2 million spent on the projects to use. What resulted, is some of the best trash I've ever seen. Below is the first five minutes, which contain the best dialogue exchange in the film, one that I've been quoting for the last four days. If for some reason you get impatient, skip to the 2:50 mark for a villain wearing chain-mail, sunglasses, and a leather duster, who delivers lines like "I'd be a GOD!" as though he has Down's Syndrome. Click below to see the video link.
"I like the misery." This is $1.75 on Amazon. I'll be purchasing it.