Hey everyone, sorry these reviews are a little late. Ive been home on break from school and it just kinda slipped my mind. Anyways, here we go
Favorite Comic: Siege Captain America One-Shot

I was pleasantly surprised with this One-Shot. I dunno if it was because I read it after the Young Avengers one-shot, that it was better by comparison, or if it was because it was just written well. The art was a little iffy, but it wasn't that bad if my memory serves me correctly.
The thing that made the book so good was the fact that it was cool to see Cap and Bucky fighting together again, it was simply classic. The story focused on Cap and Bucky rescuing a family of civilians who were caught in the fall of Asgard from both the destruction of the fall, as well as protecting him from b-list (if that) villain Razor-Fist. Its a great issue to help introduce the relationship between Bucky and Cap to non-Captain America readers, which is good because its a tie in.
It is a solid issue, and not only preps new readers for how important Captain America (Both of them) to the Siege storyline, but it also presents a well put together one-shot featuring Cap that isnt essential to the Siege story-line; unlike the Loki one shot which finally illustrates what Loki has been doing the whole time since he egged Norman on to wage war on Asgard.
If youre a fan of Captain America, definitely check out this issue, if youre not a fan but would like to be a fan check out this issue, if you hate Captain America but thought that you should read this issue for the overall Siege storyline, then you can just forget about this issue because it isnt that important to everything as a whole.
7 out of 10
Least Favorite Comic: Daredevil #506

Although this issue wasn't terrible, it just was not acceptable for a book that was more than a month delayed. I picked up Daredevil after the events of issue #500 which follows Daredevil and his struggle to lead the Hand, and so far it has been pretty good. The first 4 issues were spectacular because of De La Torre's art, and the last two issues had a change of artist which really knocked the book down a few notches for me. Especially since the book shifted over the Matt's relationship with one of the Hand's sub-bosses Bakuto.
In this issue there was a decently interesting fight scene at the beginning of the book featuring Murdock and Bakuto, but it wasn't anything that great and kinda just seemed too drawn out. The book goes on to have more people bickering about Bukato and his misbehavior (much like the last issue) and quickly ended with a mediocre plot twist; which I wont reveal because that would just be too much of a spoiler.
I am just hoping this book switches back to being overwhelmingly excited like it used to be in the next issue, as well as that I hope that the next issue is on time so that I dont lose even more interest in what is going on in the story. I guess we will see what happens next time it's released.
The best part of this issue was the cover by Rivera
4 out of 10