So i was on Rotten Tomatoes seeing how Kick-Ass was fairing on there and I stumbled across this review of the movie. In this review a writer from the New Yorker discusses his distaste for the film, the directors, and almost everything else about the movie.
One thing that bothered me the most about the review is that he keeps blaming the two men who wrote the screenplay for the violent substance of the movie, never referencing Mark Millar even once. I feel as though his relation of the movie to child pornography is a little outrageous and I am not alone in this matter. There are 50+ comments on his review on the site that criticize him for his comparison.
Anyways, I'd like to hear what other think of the review so here is a link
Kick-Ass Review
Are we honestly worried about what the guy in The New Yorker wrote about Kick-Ass? Would you be worried about what the guy from Fangoria wrote about The Back-Up Plan?
ReplyDeleteGet over it. Stop worrying about reviews for this movie, Mr. Bread.
And just to be a c-word/d-word (you're welcome, J-word), Jane Goldman, who co-wrote the screenplay, is a woman. And the comics are mentioned, again, in the first paragraph. No, Mark Millar isn't mentioned by name, but the violence is attributed to the comic.
Stop reading this stuff (or start reading it before you post something about it) and just like the film or don't. It's that simple. If you're going to worry about what Rotten Tomatoes says about films after you've already seen them, you'll be wasting your time. Use it more to decide whether or not you should see something, not whether or not you should like it.
Mr. R,
ReplyDeleteReading reviews isnt for me to decide if I like something or not, if that was true Spiderman 3 would be one of my favorite movies, but lets be serious I would rather be caught with my pants down than ever let that be true. This review and its content is more of a conversation starter/something interesting to talk about. In no way am I worried about this review or anything of the sort, it is just interesting to see what people are saying and how people view things because it is different people's views and opinions, such as yours and mine that make something interesting to read and talk about. Like I am sure there will be comments after this comment on the article, your response, and my response. Its all about fun and something to talk about when it comes to stuff like this, whereas you take it as a personal attack. Lighten up and have fun.
And once again, it is nice to hear your views on something Mr. R, always makes it interesting. See you in a week!
ReplyDeleteYou have to understand that I feel that my opinion is more important than everyone else's. That's just the way I am. Until we agree on something, your words are meaningless - a waste of the effort required to type them.
Just kidding. Kind of.
ReplyDeleteMr. R,
ReplyDeleteThat was hilarious.
Not kidding at all
Also, I feel as thought Jared should put more effot into his posts.