Favorite Comic - S.H.E.I.L.D #1
*Warning Spoiler Alert*

First off, everyone know that this book was going to be good because it was written by Johnathan Hickman and he is freakin awesome! Secondly, any book that has promotional art with Leonardo Da Vinci is going to be awesome as well. Dustin Weavers art is spectacular and really brings to life Hickman's work and keeps the reader drawn in the whole time. This was a book I was so excited about I pushed it on almost everyone I talked to. It was neat to see the Origins of S.H.E.I.L.D as well as see how so many famous people from history were part of S.H.E.I.L.D and how they had an effect of protecting the people of the world. By far the coolest part of the book was when it showed Galileo and how he created a machine to combat Galactus, who is attacking Italy. Aside from all this history, there is also an overarching storyline about Leonid and his recruitment to S.H.E.I.L.D as well as his fathers involvement with the organization. I cannot find any faults with this book, it is pure greatness and I would not change a thing.
Hey, maybe if we are lucky they will make a movie out of it and they can have Chris Evans and Ryan Reynolds play every character! That would make it even better! WOOO
10 out of 10
I got to said I was impress with S.H.E.I.L.D. #1. Maybe I should get on the Hickman boat.