Favorite Comic: Aladdin Legacy of the Lost #2
*Warning Spoiler Alert*
First off, for the price this book is great. 4.99 for 64 pages with no ads? You cant beat that. Now onto the review, When I first started doing these comic reviews every week Aladdin LotL #1 was rated my least favorite comic of the week. But if you look back and/or remember what I said at the end of the review is that the second book was bound to be better, and it was. This issue really develops the story that I was dying for in the last issue, as well as introduces a couple of really cool characters. The art of Sejic is awesome and really brings the book alive, although sometimes it is a little hard to follow because of the way some of the pages are set up.
The story picks up by introducing the King and his daughter the Princess. Aladdin has become a prince because of his discovery of the magic lamp, and is giving money to the poor. The King double crosses him and turns him over to his nemesis Quassi and there is a fight between the two of them. Aladdin ends up cutting off his hand and acquiring a magic ring that he has, unbeknown to what it can do. Aladdin seeks aid from Captain Sinbad and he brings Aladdin to the Mantis queen for help. By the end of the book Aladdin is able to access the power of the ring he found and the story ends with a great set up for the last installment of this mini series.
Many other events take place during this comic, but I dont want to ruin them for anyone who wishes to read it. But regardless, if you are not reading this check it out. It is a great value for the price and since you would be able to read both issues one and two at the same time it would make issue one better because the reader will get the instant gratification of issue two. Regardless, this is a great read and I cant wait for the last issue.
8 out of 10
Least Favorite: Prelude to Deadpool Corps #5
*Warning Spoiler Alert*

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Anyways, going away from this atrocious art, lets get to the story. The story isnt that bad, the Deadpool Corps is put up to a task of fighting off an army of robots as well as an awesome army of Care bear creatures and then completing a mission. The story is pretty fun and there are some witty jokes, but I seriously cant get away from the art. The fact that the story had Lady Deadpool chopping off the heads of Care bears is awesome, but it was just destroyed by how hard it was to tell what was going on and having to deal with junk art. It makes me wonder how awesome it would be if there was a good artist on this book.
I am glad that this prelude stuff is over though and I am excited to see what the actual series is like. I am kinda disappointed though that Merc With a Mouth is ending though, i love that book. But the team of Gischler and Liefeld should prove to be awesome and I hope that Arthur Suydam will still do some covers for Deadpool Corps because his work is great.
3 out of 10
The art for Deadpool corps. remind me of that old 90's cartoon Reboot. Which was cool... in the 90's.