Tuesday, February 8

In Defense of the Chrysler Commercial

I understand that there is a couple of reasons not to like the ad:
Eminem is in it, the soundtrack in the background is from a song of his, maybe you don't like the city of Detroit.
It was a glossy well edited commercial showing scenes of a grimy city.
I happened to like it, because I could sort of relate to living in a "city" that has had its share of shrinkage. Elmira suffered through a flood before my time in 1972. It never recovered. Even before the flood the city had shrunk from it's peak in the 1950's.

I know all this. I choose to live in this town. I like the ad, because I like the idea of a comeback. The idea of people not lying down and dying. Will Detroit ever come back? I think it's up to us, if we choose to buy American cars. It's up to Detroit to produce high quality cars. The same idea with Elmira. What can we/ the city do to improve the quality of life.
 Ha ha,   maybe it's to stop sitting around watching so much t.v.

Am I full of crap? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Jared. Beside who or what beside is Eminem is famously from Detroit?
