Saturday, February 26

Comic Book Artist Mark Brooks' Contribution to the Final Issue of Fantastic 4 #588

Many comic readers picked up the final issue of Fantastic Four #588 this week at their local comic shop. I personally just finished the issue myself, and it was a truly touching and depressing issue, yet at the same time it was powerful. I attribute this largely to the secondary story featured in the issue written by Jonathan Hickman and beautifully illustrated by artist Mark Brooks.

Mark Brooks is a artist that I think is over looked by the comic world and really deserves more credit that he probably receives. I thought that his work in the story "Uncles" in issue #588 was some of the best work I've seen from him, and it made me wish that he did a lot more than he actually does. Hopefully others thought the same thing, and he will soon have a monthly title, or at least a new mini or maxi series.

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