Tuesday, July 6


Surprise Read from last week.
Action Comics #890.
Written by Paul Cornell.
Art by Pete Woods

Before this issue, I was familiar with Paul Cornell from his Max series 'Wisdom'.  Which I thought was pretty good, thanks to the first two issues drawn by Bryon Hitch. I knew Cornell wrote a couple of episodes for Dr. Who.  So, he is not an unknown guy. Not a super star writer, but whatever.

In my opinion, Action #890 is the best thing he has ever written, EVER.
Let me put it this way.  If someone had pasted "written by Warren Ellis" on the cover, I would have believed it.

I feel that the artist is more important then the writer in most comics.  Pete Woods work is pretty good in the issue, but this story that centers around Lex Luthor starts strong and never gets boring. I would have enjoyed it no matter who drew it.

We all hate hype. And I hate when someone ruins a book for me.  So I will leave it here.  This was an amazing and surprising issue.  If you get a chance to sit and read it, I hope you enjoy it.  If you read it and think I'm over reacting, let's internet fight.
P.S. I don't want to hear any crap about Warren Ellis and books that never come out on time!


  1. Definitely agree with this. Action Comics was by far the best book that I bought last week

  2. My only problem is that every DC title I read was like....ACTION COMICS READ IT! and It was annoying. And I didn't read it.
