Tuesday, May 18

Question: Is there a way to create an interesting movie trailer with out revealing major plot twist?

I'm looking at you Iron Man 2 trailer.


Back to the complaining.

Some of the friends I've talked to were disappointed with Iron Man 2.
Here is my reason for the disappointment.
the trailer gave away a bunch of plot twist.  Not allowing you to watch the film and enjoy the "ride"

1. :22 seconds into the the trailer we see shows Natasha R. as an ordinary office carrier. At the 2:00 point, she's kicking butt .

2.  :55 seconds into the trailer shows Tony Stark driving an Indy car.
    A cool "I'm going to die soon, so I might as well live my life like I don't care" moment in the film....spoiled

3.  2:22 suitcase armour.

Those are the three big one I can point out right now.
I feel that I would have enjoyed the film more if I was able to be surprised at cool unexpected events.
I enjoyed it.  I really did.
But I wasn't surprised by much of the film, thanks to seeing four different trailers.
I know I could have enjoyed it more.

This reminds me of the time I saw my friend Ben shield his eyes and run out of a movie theatre when a particular trailer started.  I wish I remember what trailer it was.
But seeing him jump up and run out of a semi crowded room like a scared child was hilarious at the time.
Looking back, I can see how right he was.


  1. I dunno. I agree that trailers often ruin movies, but I don't think Iron Man 2 is the worst of the offenders. It might be because I knew what role Scarlett Johansson was playing before the first trailer was even released. And I didn't even think twice about the racecar thing in the trailer because even if he was perfectly healthy, it would have seemed like a logical Tony Stark thing to do. I was more curious about why Ivan disguised himself to be on the pit crew considering Stark chose to drive the car at the last minute. Wonder what his Plan A was!
    And the suitcase armor...I dunno...that didn't really ruin anything for me either. It seems difficult to spoil the suitcase armor when Happy totes around the suitcase for a good 10 minutes before Tony uses it. Or maybe I just didn't care about the suitcase armor at all.

    As far as trailers that ruin movies, I would look at Edge of Darkness, Letters to Juilet, Old Dogs, and even Salt just to name a few. Granted, I'm sure all the films are crap, but if you watch the trailers, you have no need to see the film. You can predict just about everything after 2 minutes. Or at least some close version of what happens in the film.

    It's like watching the first 10 minutes of The Wolfman or...the first half of Avatar.

    But it doesn't always mean it's going to be disappointing. How many of us were REALLY surprised by any twists in the first Iron Man? How many of us already basically knew what that entire movie was going to contain? I would probably say that just being a comic fan spoiled Iron Man 1 more than any trailer spoiled Iron Man 2, yet I think the first one is much better than the second.

    But that's just one man's opinion. It's not always right, but it's never wrong.

  2. I agree with Kevin about the trailer. Although I did enjoy Iron Man 2, I would say most of the movie's problems stem from the fact there is to much stuff going on to develop all the characters.
