Favorite Comic: Joe the Barbarian #5

Joe the Barbarian has been a really solid series for the last 5 months, each issue bringing more to the table and leaving me eager to read for the release of the next issue. Although I really enjoy the series, I am extremely glad that it is just an 8 issue maxi series, because although the series is so interesting, I feel as though it would lose a lot of its luster and interest if it tried to stretch it out anymore.
There was not doubt in my mind that Grant Morrisson was a great writer, but after reading this and having it not be about super heroes and such it makes me enjoy his writing even more; I cant wait for Devin to read this and then start suggesting stuff. I am really enjoying Sean Murphy and his style of art, its spectacular and I think it is the main reason why this comic is so great. His style fits this fantasy world perfectly, and the way he depicts not only the characters, but their surroundings. Especially his splash pages.
Like I said before, every issue has been spectacular, but issue 5 really takes the cake, even beating issue one and all its amazingness. In this issue, Morrisson kicks that action up a notch, really pushes the storyline, and is finally developing what exactly is going on in the real world in addition to whats going on in Joe's head. He also has made it so the main characters are now split up, leaving it open for there to be two storylines for the next three issues which could be interesting. There is an extremely good action scene at the end of the book, which leaves the reader with a very interesting cliff hanger that will really drive the next three issue, depending on what happens.
If you haven't been reading this series, you really are missing out. But since its only three months till the end of the series then it should only be about 6 for the trade, so keep your chin up! Regardless, I am eagerly awaiting what is going to happen in the rest of this series, and if these next issues are as good as this one, I really cannot wait.
9.5 out of 10

Now, I was going to write a negative review about Avengers #1 but I feel I couldn't really justify doing so, since the storyline really isn't that bad, I mean its not great and it could become really bad, but its not bad yet. My only problem is JRJR's art, it is awful, characters don't look like themselves, women look awful. I mean some of the art is pretty good, but 1 or two panels are not redeeming for a 40 page comic. But yeah, Im not gonna give it a series review because really, Bendis's writing is great.
......5.5 out of 10
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