Wednesday, March 31
I Hate Tomorrow
I hate April Fool Day. Yes, I hate April Fool Day simply because every almost outlet of news and information decide it be funny to write an article with false information, make me not believe anything that news that may happen that day. Like a few years ago one of my favorite comedians die close to April Fool Day, I laughed and went on with my day, not realizing that he was actually dead. R.I.P Mitch Hedberg.
Tuesday, March 30
Cornbread's Favorite and Least Favorite Comics of the Week - 3/24

Favorite Comic: Nemesis #1
This should not be a surprising pick. Nemesis has been on my mind since Jared first started ranting and raving about it months ago. Also, what can beat a team made of Mark Millar and Steve McNiven? Anyways, lets get to the review.
The book reads fast, and many people may see this as a negative aspect, but with Nemesis it did not seem that way. I felt that when the book ended that I had learned a good amount of information about the story line and was content with how it ended, even though I wanted more.
Nemesis starts out by introducing Nemesis by exhibiting just how ruthless of a super villain he is. Regardless about what people are saying, I think the art is great. McNiven's pure pencil work on the book truely exhibits how great of an artist he really is. Also, with the dulled down colors give a certain feel to the story that enhances the dark violence that characterizes Nemesis.
The story is fulled with action, swears and gore which perfectly fits the dark theme I think Millar and McNiven are going for. The mysteriousness of the characters is also what makes the book so interesting. Millar revealed virtually nothing about Nemesis or the secondary main character Morrow which I think enhances the story and will make for a more interesting part of the remainder of the series.
Overall, this was a great story and it seems like it will be an awesome series. I would also like to add even though non-stop action, swearing and killing is awesome it will eventually get old, so by making this a 4 part mini the creators will be able to capitalize and keep this book popular till its end.
Saturday, March 27
Scott Pilgrim
Actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead
is playing the role of Ramona V. Flowers
In 'Scott Pilgrim Vs the World'.
You're Welcome.
Stan Lee invades Canada

Well it had to happen sooner or later: Stan Lee is going to be in attendance at the 2010 Fan Expo Canada! Let's just hope that Canadians greet Stan Lee with the same love and admiration that they did Ann Coulter.
Fan Expo is August 27th-29th. Details at their site:
Friday, March 26
Self-cannibalizing Ice Cream Cone!
What if Yoshi wore Air Force Ones? The thought never occurred to me, but thankfully it did to Mike Mitchell, the artist who created Nom Nom Nom, pictured on the right. Check out and click on Super Mario World on the left, under ILLUSTRATION. I'd post it here, but it really needs to be appreciated in as large a format as possible. He even has an online shop to purchase prints and t-shirts at:
Thursday, March 25
Let's Shift the Hate.
I notice that a lot of people have been complaining about Chris Evans being cast in the Captain America film. I feel like most people in my shoes would feel the need to qualify this post by saying that he or she does not read a lot of Captain America comics, so his or her opinion may not be as valid as someone who does, but I won't do it, because Chris Evans hasn't been cast in the comic, he has been cast in the movie. I have to say that I don't think all the hate is warranted. I can't say that I haven't liked him in any of the films I've seen him in, which says a lot, considering the fact that I've seen Cellular. He may get typecast as a goofball a little too often, but who cares? He plays it well. Perhaps he just hasn't been given a chance to branch out. I seem to remember similar reactions to the news that Daniel Craig was cast as James Bond, or that Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker, and we all know how those films turned out. So give Chris Evans a chance, because making a pre-judgment about the film this far in advance solely based on Chris Evans being cast is a little unfair, however strange the choice may seem. Having a pretty good actor cast in the lead role of the film certainly does not spell doom. We don't know the tone or the style of the film, or really anything else about it, for that matter.
Normally after all of that I would say you should reserve your judgment until you know more about it, but there is another detail that everybody seems to be leaving out or forgetting when they bitch about the movie, and that is the choice of Joe "The Wolfman" Johnston to direct it. Joe "Jurassic Park III" Johnston directing the film almost makes this post a moot point, and I almost stopped writing it under its original title, "In Defense of Chris Evans," but then decided to change the title and salvage the post in the hope that we could collectively shift our hatred from Chris Evans to Joe "Hidalgo" Johnston. Do your part; give Chris Evans a chance.
Green Lantern 52 Review
The last Blackest Night bannered issue of Green Lantern was released this week, and there's plenty of Internet buzz about some of Geoff Johns' cosmic revelations. To be sure, Johns has painted the origins of the universe is some pretty broad strokes that have fans either loving it or labelling it blasphemous. So what's the hub-bub about?
Like last week's Green Lantern Corps, this issue is somewhat of a placeholder, not advancing the plot so much as revealing the as-yet unrevealed information about the cosmic order of things and providing some action sequences to keep the issue chugging along. In fact things are pretty much the same at the end of the book as they are on the first page minus a few casualties. But it's the revelations here that highlight the issue and set the stage for stories yet to come and perhaps motivate us to contemplate on the nature of the universe and how all our various mythologies and religions could be viewed through a pseudo science lens.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Angela Bassett Joins 'Green Lantern' As Amanda Waller (
- New 'Green Lantern' Animated Projects In The Works? (
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World!!
The official trailer is out! I don't know if it is anywhere else but I do know it's crashing the Apple site right now.
You can stream it here:
I'll get back to work now
You can stream it here:
I'll get back to work now
Tuesday, March 23
Happy Birthday, Akira Kurosawa
Akira Kurosawa was born 100 years ago today. One of the most brilliant and visionary filmmakers of all time, Kurosawa influenced everything from Spaghetti Westerns to Star Wars.
Drop what you are doing tonight and download, stream, or rent any of his films.
Ikiru, The Idiot, Rashomon, Stray Dog, Throne of Blood, The Bad Sleep Well, The Hidden Fortress, High and Low, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, Kagemusha, or Ran to start you off.
Or watch the classic film that I will be viewing tonight:
Drop what you are doing tonight and download, stream, or rent any of his films.
Ikiru, The Idiot, Rashomon, Stray Dog, Throne of Blood, The Bad Sleep Well, The Hidden Fortress, High and Low, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, Kagemusha, or Ran to start you off.
Or watch the classic film that I will be viewing tonight:
Monday, March 22
Cornbread's Favorite and Least Favorite Comics of the Week - 3/17
I had a big week in comics this week, but after talking to everyone else, it seems like I was the only one really. But alas, I was able to select a favorite and least favorite for this week and now all of you can read (or not read) about them.
Favorite Comic: Choker #2
*Warning Possible Spoiler Alert*
First off, I want to say that this book is beautiful. Templesmith's art really never lets me down. Also, the physical quality of the book itself is great as well, using high quality art paper for each and every page.
Aside from the way the book looks, this issue topped my list this week was the story and how it is developing. The events of this issue are even more messed up than the last, introducing the threat of man eating human monsters that seem to be attacking civilians in Shotgun city. This is on top of the introduction of a vampire attack in the last issue, which the reader still knows nothing about because it was hardly mentioned in this issue. I think it will be interesting if that in every issue McCool and Templesmith introduce a new threat that Jackson has to deal with and then in the last issue(s) it all ties together and you learn how it is all connected to the (as of right now) main antagonist Cassidy.
Favorite Comic: Choker #2
*Warning Possible Spoiler Alert*

First off, I want to say that this book is beautiful. Templesmith's art really never lets me down. Also, the physical quality of the book itself is great as well, using high quality art paper for each and every page.
Aside from the way the book looks, this issue topped my list this week was the story and how it is developing. The events of this issue are even more messed up than the last, introducing the threat of man eating human monsters that seem to be attacking civilians in Shotgun city. This is on top of the introduction of a vampire attack in the last issue, which the reader still knows nothing about because it was hardly mentioned in this issue. I think it will be interesting if that in every issue McCool and Templesmith introduce a new threat that Jackson has to deal with and then in the last issue(s) it all ties together and you learn how it is all connected to the (as of right now) main antagonist Cassidy.
Predators... Yay or Nay
I know it is old, but what are do you people think about Predators. I hope it is better than Predator 2.
Life is unfair
Joe Buck.
The worst thing about baseball.
The worst thing about televised baseball games.
Life is unfair because:
The worst thing about baseball.
The worst thing about televised baseball games.
Life is unfair because:
Look at that dumb shirt he is wearing.
Healthcare: Another Opinion
I too stayed up to watch the House vote on HR 3590 and HR 4872. At first I flipped to MSNBC, not only because they have top-notch former ESPN anchors as employees, but also because I'm lazy and it's lowest on the dial. 5 minutes later I was on Fox News, hoping for a little less vitriol or, baring that, at least someone to laugh at. 45 seconds later, hello C-Span: No one blathering about what Rep Stupak from Michigan means when he says that, as a Pro-Life candidate, he can support the Reconciliation act. Nor is anyone dumbing down the language of the bill. You just the process in action. It was like being able to watch a football game without having to consciously tune out the drivel that Joe Buck purls out every few minutes.
As for the actual bill, its hundreds of pages of the densest legalese I've ever seen ( ), and I'm really not sure about everything that's in it (seriously, click the link and try to read it), but as long as it covers me getting foot-long adamantium claw implants, I'm cool with it.
Sunday, March 21
Well they have done it. Through catcalls, misinformation, rallies, death panels, town hall meetings and endless talk on blogs, radio and television news America has Healthcare. Is that hyperbole? Yes it is. Is it important? Probably more than any of us know. Am I totally happy with the bill? Not really. It doesn't go far enough it isn't perfect and it is too much of a patch work. But it something, a bill, an idea, a framework to build on. I sit here watching coverage of this and it is very late for me-I need to be up in five and one half hours roughly-and there is more to do. They have to consider a motion, parliamentary procedures and another vote on a bill that would recognize the Senate reconciliation bill. But it's all over but the crying. It wouldn't have got this far if the Democrats didn't have the votes and know all the road blocks that the opposition would attempt to throw up.
Hell maybe, most likely for a brief time, I'll be proud to be an American again.
Saturday, March 20
Green Lantern #52 PREVIEW! received a rare piece of preview art for the upcoming Green Lantern issue #52.
The world was introduced to the first white lantern in Green Lantern #51. Now we learn of another:
A lethal and tasty force, trapped inside a plastic wrapper. It's angry, and wants out.
Green Lantern #52 is available Wednesday, March 24th.
The world was introduced to the first white lantern in Green Lantern #51. Now we learn of another:
A lethal and tasty force, trapped inside a plastic wrapper. It's angry, and wants out.
Green Lantern #52 is available Wednesday, March 24th.
Green Lantern Corps #46 Review
The Anti-Monitor is and back and he ain't happy! |
Blackest Night is drawing to a close with only three issues left to wrap up the loose ends and resolve as many of the plot threads as Geoff Johns is planning to. The end begins with this week's Green Lantern Corps #46 with Peter Tomasi and Pat Gleason wrapping up their involvement with the event and their run heading towards the sunset.
The battle above earth continues between the members of the various corps struggling to contain the threat of the Black Lanterns while the New Guardians confront Nekron in Coast City. All the members we've come to know so well over the past months get some face time as Guy Gardner tries to establish a leadership role amongst his throng of uneasy allies. I like Tomasi's writing of Guy and I'm glad that Guy will follow Tomasi to the new Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors title. Guy still walks that fine line between cool and annoying but Tomasi has turned Gardner into the Bruce Willis of the DC Universe and that's a good thing.
Friday, March 19
The Flash is back from the dead...and he's giving out free hugs.
"Wow, he's really strong!" Said a giddy Dick Epright.
Are you a CCC students? Do you like comic books? You should take my Graphic Novels class!!!
It is an upper-level English class ( The offical title is Special Topics in Literature ENGL 2800 001 . Make sure you pick the right section!)
Oh, you would like to know what we will be reading? OK!
Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud
Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
Pride of Baghdad by Brian K. Vaughan and Niko Henrichon
All-star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly
Scott Pilgrim vol 1 by Bryan Lee O’Malley
Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
The Contract with God by Will Eisner
Blankets by Grieg Thompson
Akira vol 1 by Katsuhiro Otomo
Are you a CCC students? Do you like comic books? You should take my Graphic Novels class!!!
It is an upper-level English class ( The offical title is Special Topics in Literature ENGL 2800 001 . Make sure you pick the right section!)
Oh, you would like to know what we will be reading? OK!
Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud
Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
Pride of Baghdad by Brian K. Vaughan and Niko Henrichon
All-star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly
Scott Pilgrim vol 1 by Bryan Lee O’Malley
Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
The Contract with God by Will Eisner
Blankets by Grieg Thompson
Akira vol 1 by Katsuhiro Otomo
Thursday, March 18
March Madness
It's actually been quite sometime since I have filled out a bracket-those that don't know, where the hell have you been, is a table with all 64 teams in the NCAA basketball tournament, winners of each game are picked all the way down to the championship. It is totally fun and completely broken. The fun part is the gambling, the broken part is paying attention to every game that is being played-go Old Dominion.
I'm actually doing well, I picked Old Dominion and St. Marys. I didn't Murry St. though. I picked BYU but so did most of the other players. I'd be psyched but I think I over did the upsets, Louisville beating Duke in round two and Marquette going all the way to the championship game-6 seed. Of course if Louisville does beat Duke and Marquette goes all the way to the championship and loses to Kansas St., well then I'm in the money-like $200 in the money. Oh yeah!
Wednesday, March 17
Oh Stan Lee....
1. Youre too old
2. Youre not funny
3. I hate stupid fanboys in the crowd
4. I cant believe I wasted 8 minutes watching this video
2. Youre not funny
3. I hate stupid fanboys in the crowd
4. I cant believe I wasted 8 minutes watching this video
Tuesday, March 16
Monday, March 15
Cornbread's Favorite and Least Favorite Comics of the Week - 3/10

Favorite Comic: Prelude to Deadpool Corps #2
This was the funniest comic I have read in a long time. I was kind of skeptical of how Deadpool Corps was going to be (being the 4th Deadpool monthly and all) since the first issue was just okay, but the second issue just blew me out of the water. First and foremost, Johnson's covers are fantastic, and I love how he is doing a 5 part connecting cover for this mini. What made this book so great was how hilarious the alternate universe in the story was prefect. In this issue you are following Corps member Kidpool who is a smart ass Wade Wilson who is going to an Xavier institution and the story just has him harassing Cyclops the entire time, which I thought was great because I am not a fan of Mr. Summers. Aside from the constant harassment, there is a witty Professor X who is trying to get with Emma Frost the entire time, which proves to be hilarious.
In addition to being an all around great book, this issue has helped me in making a difficult decision I have been faced with...whether I like the way Gishler (Merc w/a Mouth) writes Deadpool or how Way (Deadpool) writes the character. If Deadpool Corps proves to be good, and if Merc keeps being a solid book I think I am going to have to pick it up.
Sunday, March 14
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Review
Friday, March 12
Explanation: Widening Gyre

TURNING and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity. (1)
First off, thank you Myron for the revamp of the page and the new banner addition. Secondly, I love the banner. Its hilarious. I want a T-Shirt with this logo on it, cause that would be the best. I just dont have words to describe how excited I am, and how much I enjoy this new banner.
So I think Ill use a picture:
So I think Ill use a picture:

Thursday, March 11
Two videos I'm not sure I can Post.
The Count:
The Slide Fail
I think they are funny but I could just be immature.
The Slide Fail
I think they are funny but I could just be immature.
Release the Kitties
Here is a clip from Adult Swim's show Metalocalypse. The episode is entitled Fatklok, and this is a clip from the begining
Wednesday, March 10
'The Crazies' was a fun, well-rounded zombie movie.

Don't argue with me over what I consider a zombie because i will tell you to shut it. I would like to point out that i have never seen the original "The Crazies" and so to post this I admit to a bit of ignorance. I fully understand the ramifications of reviewing the remake of a movie i have never seen. That said, Breck Eisner's movie was fun as hell. From the very beginning its exciting and morbid, and it's opening sequence sets up a fundamental question of any good zombie movie: how do you deal with your friends and loved ones once they become a zombie? This movie nailed it, especially considering the relationship between the Deputy and the Sheriff. It also addressed another very important aspect to any good zombie movie: humans are your biggest enemy, although for this movie, it was a bit preachy. They chose to have an explanation for the outbreak which has been done both better and worse by other movies. Perhaps most importantly however, in true George Romero style, the ending left our survivors safe for the moment but with the world no where near safe and the doom of zombie apocalypse looming over them. Once you consider all the gruesome violence, the good make-up, not too unbelievable story and the important ingredients of proper undead mayhem, 'The Crazies' reveals itself to be just the sort of philosophical, frightening fun that one can expect from a solid Zombie movie.
Tuesday, March 9
O.k., maybe I'm a little late to the party with this. I am completely obsessed with the show Superjail.
Monday, March 8
Cornbread's Favorite and Least Favorite Comics of the Week - 3/3
Hey Everyone. It was a pretty small week so it was kinda hard to pick a favorite and least favorite. But here it is
Favorite Comic: New Ultimates #1
*Warning Spoiler Alert*
Its is kinda weird as to why I decided to pick up this comic, its just that I really liked the Variant cover for the issue so I thought I would give it a shot. First off, I would like to state that t
he art is what made this my favorite comic of the week. Frank Cho, I salute you. In addition, I surprisingly enjoyed the humor that was put into the book by Jeff Loeb (even though they were only funny because Cho's art made them that way). I dont usually like the Ultimate series because of how different the universe is, but this was pretty good and makes me want to give the Ultimate Comics line another chance (which is why I picked up Ultimate X to read later this week). The best part is probably Thor's face half way through the book which if you read this you will know exactly what I am talking about. The cover is kinda ridiculous though, it is a 6 page long pull out "poster" that is just over the top and is folded very strangely which makes it look bad. Anyways, I enjoyed the book, but I am kind of disappointed that it will come out so infrequently.
8 out of 10
Favorite Comic: New Ultimates #1
*Warning Spoiler Alert*
Its is kinda weird as to why I decided to pick up this comic, its just that I really liked the Variant cover for the issue so I thought I would give it a shot. First off, I would like to state that t

8 out of 10
Message for Andy Diggle.
I know Andy Diggle will probably with never read this but, I pick up the The Loser trade, which I am enjoying. I read the intro by Diggle himself and I found out he supposedly plays Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Well Mr. Diggle this post is basically me issuing you a challenge. Me vs. You in a 1v1 cage match. I be waiting for your reply.
If I were an editor (DC or Marvel) #1
If I were an editor at Marvel, I would get Matt Fraction to write Spider-Man. I believe he has shown that he can write the character with Iron Man issue and the Sensational Spider-Man Annual. I find his Spider-Man is funny and most important likable.
If you agree tell me who you would get to do the art, and if you disagree, what creative team would you use.
If you agree tell me who you would get to do the art, and if you disagree, what creative team would you use.
Academy Awards 2010
The Difference between guys and girls
We think this dress is great! In a funny way.
Robert Downey Jr. CAN wear whatever he wants.
And He does. So put on your sneakers,
a blue bow tie and a pair of blue glasses!
We still love you. Maybe even more now.
Oh yeah, awards were giving out also.
I'll get to those later
I Don't know how you guys and girls feel about this, but.... : FRANKENCASTLE Here to Stay w/ May's FrankenCastle #17
Sunday, March 7
Saturday, March 6
Thursday, March 4
Tuesday, March 2
Monday, March 1
Good bye Olympics, hello novels and comics I've ignored for the last two weeks.
Most people I've talked to ,or heard on the radio are proud of our Olympic hockey team. We seem o.k. with the fact that Canada won. It's very "big brother" of us. They WANTED it more, and NEEDED it more for their own self esteem. If we won, we would cheer and a throw a party with balloons and tasty cakes. But really, nothing big. After the victory, Canadians let out a huge sigh of relief and lost their minds! It would have been mass suicide if they lost. Here it is Monday morning and we're back to work, ho hum, we almost won it. Now we have our sights set toward March madness, the NBA, NHL, the PGA, the MLB in spring training. Canadians have what? Oh yeah, hockey.I'm not making fun of them. I like Canadians, but face it canucks- we almost beat you in YOUR game.
IS there any other way to cheer on our country OTHER then shouting U!S!A! U!S!A! U!S!A! ?
I think is sounds, I don't know spartan? or childish?
I realized this after I heard Meatwad do it.

IS there any other way to cheer on our country OTHER then shouting U!S!A! U!S!A! U!S!A! ?
I think is sounds, I don't know spartan? or childish?
I realized this after I heard Meatwad do it.
Cornbread's Favorite and Least Favorite Comics of the Week - 2/24
Favorite Comic: Amazing Spiderman 622
*Warning Spoiler Alert*
This book proves to be awesome just by looking at it with its awesome Simone Bianchi cover and it just continues to be awesome as you turn the pages. The gauntlet has been okay so far, nothing spectacular and I think its because they tend to drag the story on for too many issues; two issues for electro, sandman and mysterio. The stories I have liked the best so far are the one with morbius in this issue and the one with Rhino back in issue 617. Anyways, back to this issue. I thought they did a great job setting up this story and tying it into the overlying story with Mr. Negative. The best thing is that the Mr. Negative story line wasnt overly intrusive like it has been in these past gauntlet issues (which I thought took away from the story line, as well as prolonged the conclusion of some of the other gauntlet opponents). Another reason why I think I enjoyed this issue, is because Morius has kind of reformed himself as a criminal and is trying to turn his life around just like Rhino had been trying to do as well in his issue. Also, it was pretty funny when it had Peter dressed up as a "Vampire" going into the the vampire kid hang out place. Kinda made me think of the horrible emo Peter Parker from Spiderman 3 and then it got me thinking about how much I loathe that movie.
*Warning Spoiler Alert*

This book proves to be awesome just by looking at it with its awesome Simone Bianchi cover and it just continues to be awesome as you turn the pages. The gauntlet has been okay so far, nothing spectacular and I think its because they tend to drag the story on for too many issues; two issues for electro, sandman and mysterio. The stories I have liked the best so far are the one with morbius in this issue and the one with Rhino back in issue 617. Anyways, back to this issue. I thought they did a great job setting up this story and tying it into the overlying story with Mr. Negative. The best thing is that the Mr. Negative story line wasnt overly intrusive like it has been in these past gauntlet issues (which I thought took away from the story line, as well as prolonged the conclusion of some of the other gauntlet opponents). Another reason why I think I enjoyed this issue, is because Morius has kind of reformed himself as a criminal and is trying to turn his life around just like Rhino had been trying to do as well in his issue. Also, it was pretty funny when it had Peter dressed up as a "Vampire" going into the the vampire kid hang out place. Kinda made me think of the horrible emo Peter Parker from Spiderman 3 and then it got me thinking about how much I loathe that movie.
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