*Warning Spoiler Alert*

This book proves to be awesome just by looking at it with its awesome Simone Bianchi cover and it just continues to be awesome as you turn the pages. The gauntlet has been okay so far, nothing spectacular and I think its because they tend to drag the story on for too many issues; two issues for electro, sandman and mysterio. The stories I have liked the best so far are the one with morbius in this issue and the one with Rhino back in issue 617. Anyways, back to this issue. I thought they did a great job setting up this story and tying it into the overlying story with Mr. Negative. The best thing is that the Mr. Negative story line wasnt overly intrusive like it has been in these past gauntlet issues (which I thought took away from the story line, as well as prolonged the conclusion of some of the other gauntlet opponents). Another reason why I think I enjoyed this issue, is because Morius has kind of reformed himself as a criminal and is trying to turn his life around just like Rhino had been trying to do as well in his issue. Also, it was pretty funny when it had Peter dressed up as a "Vampire" going into the the vampire kid hang out place. Kinda made me think of the horrible emo Peter Parker from Spiderman 3 and then it got me thinking about how much I loathe that movie.
Aside from the story concerning Morbius, there was also the second story about Flash Thompson. Which I really enjoyed. I like Flash's character now that he and Peter are friends, as well as his whole military story and whenever I see something about him I tend to enjoy it. But anyways, when I first bought this book I was kinda pissed that it was a 4 dollar book this week aside from the normal 3 dollar book, but when I learned that it was that price because of this additional Flash story it was all good. Anyways, its a really interesting story and it concerns him coping with his lost legs from the current war. I think one of the reasons I like these stories so much is because it follows Peter Parker's everyday life instead of his Spiderman life. And that is one of the reasons why Spiderman is my favorite character is because in the long run, he is an everyday person, with everyday friends and everyday problems. He isn't rich like Tony Stark, he isn't a god like Thor or anything, he is just like you and I (aside from the whole spider power thing).
9.5 out of 10
Least Favorite Comic: Flash Rebirth 6
*Warning Spoiler Alert*

First and foremost I want to say....Geoff Johns you disappoint me. Secondly, Flash Rebirth was pretty good when it started, but then it just went down hill because of all its delays, and then when they finally developed the story it was all around disappointing. I mean, I thought it was pretty cool when you learned that the Reverse Flash killed Barry Allen's mom, that was interesting, but it wasnt really much to build off of and that is how then ended issue 5. So I was left wondering what they would do in issue 6. And low and behold, they killed how cool the whole time traveling murder was when they tried to reuse it concerning Barry Allen's wife. It just felt like the whole issue was going in circles. The issue ends of course with the Flash winning and defeating the Reverse Flash, but the way the writing was, I didn't really understand what happened with Thawne, or what they are going to do with him in the future. In fact, lets get back to me saying I am disappointed in Mr. Johns. The writing of this issue was sub par, and it just proves again that he has taken on way too many projects for DC right now that it is really skewing how well he writes the less prominent titles (anything other the G.L. or B.N.). But anyways, at least this mini series is over. It was pretty disappointing cause I like the Flash and I am fairly excited about the new Flash series, but after seeing how this one turned out, I am actually kind worried about it and how quality it will be. Only the future will tell.
4 out of 10
"4.014" ah, it's like the record time of a speed skater or something.
ReplyDeleteI guess I'm going to miss the Olympics.
But I'll always have your goofy grading system to warm me....
..but it's no warmth for Geoff Johns, isn't this 2 negative reviews for his books in a row?
Yes it is. Damn him for his disappointments.
ReplyDeleteI've got to agree with Cornbread about Amazing. For me it has been hit or miss the last couple of months, Although I did enjoy this issue of Amazing, I would have to give my "Best of the Week" to Scalped #35.