Favorite Comic: Nemesis #1
This should not be a surprising pick. Nemesis has been on my mind since Jared first started ranting and raving about it months ago. Also, what can beat a team made of Mark Millar and Steve McNiven? Anyways, lets get to the review.
The book reads fast, and many people may see this as a negative aspect, but with Nemesis it did not seem that way. I felt that when the book ended that I had learned a good amount of information about the story line and was content with how it ended, even though I wanted more.
Nemesis starts out by introducing Nemesis by exhibiting just how ruthless of a super villain he is. Regardless about what people are saying, I think the art is great. McNiven's pure pencil work on the book truely exhibits how great of an artist he really is. Also, with the dulled down colors give a certain feel to the story that enhances the dark violence that characterizes Nemesis.
The story is fulled with action, swears and gore which perfectly fits the dark theme I think Millar and McNiven are going for. The mysteriousness of the characters is also what makes the book so interesting. Millar revealed virtually nothing about Nemesis or the secondary main character Morrow which I think enhances the story and will make for a more interesting part of the remainder of the series.
Overall, this was a great story and it seems like it will be an awesome series. I would also like to add even though non-stop action, swearing and killing is awesome it will eventually get old, so by making this a 4 part mini the creators will be able to capitalize and keep this book popular till its end.
Oh and also, Ash Ketchems cousin Daniel Ketchem has a part on this book, which is awesome.
9 out of 10
Least Favorite: Prelude to Deadpool Corps #4
Don't get me wrong, so far this series has been great. But the thing that has made the series so good is how pointless, unstructured, and over the top the story lines have been. This story just had too much structure to it, it seemed like they were actually trying to go somewhere with the story and it just didnt do it for me.
I was really excited for this one as well because Headpool is usually pretty funny and I think is a great character. But with this book Gischler just tried to go off of a story that was a filler back in Deadpool 14 and it was a bummed idea to begin with. Then he tries to introduce the story line of a few other characters and that just took of space. Also, the jokes were lacking in this book and it just didnt feel like Victor Gischler's writing, and it didn't feel like a Deadpool book/story line.
The story dragged and dragged until its finish and was a disappointing end after the last two issues of this mini series. It was kinda funny how it referenced two issues of Merc with with a Mouth that havent even come out yet though. But thats about it. I guess they cant all be winners.
3 out of 10
I got to say I was a little disappointed Nemesis. It is good, but not great. Also is any one else getting tired Deadpool zombie head?