Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a vast improvement over it predecessor, but still has some flaws.
First thing I would like to discuss is the graphics. As you play though Bad Company 2 (BC2) you be grace with glorious view such as the:
Although the graphic aren't quite up to Modern Warfare to standards, but it is a sacrifice the for the destructible environments. Almost everything in BC2 is to be demolished. If your enemy is hiding behind a concrete wall, you can use explosives, such grenade launchers, rockets, C4, etc.,
to destory their cover and leave them exposed. If there an enemy sniper hold up in a house, you can blow up the walls to reveal the the opponent or you can just bring down the house.
The campigan has been improved but is still a little lacking. You and you squad from the first game (minus the truckload of gold you stolen) to track down a secret super weapon, that was created in WWII by the Japanese, before the Russian do. The story is a little generic and it never quite reaches the cinematic feel that it shoots for, but is an entertaining experience with moments of pure win. One of my favorite parts is when you must snipe enemies to allow two of you squad members infiltrate there camp use the thunder from a storm to cover the sound of your shots. If you only want a strong single player campaign, I would strongly suggest you rent this one.
Now the multilayer is where this excels minus few faults. There are four classes you play. The standard assault class armed with the assault rifle w/grenade launcher and ammo box to resupply your allies. The engineer class, which rolls with silenced SMG's, rockets, and a repair tool. This mainly use to keep you vehicles from begin destroy by use the repair tool and to annihilated the enemy's. The medic class's job is to heal and revive teams plus they equipped LMG's. Finally there is the Recon Class which deck out with Sniper Rifles, motion sensors, C4 and the unlockable mortar strikes. Each class has unlocks that you earn by playing with class.
Team work is must, which can be a problem. As of the date of this review, no one talks on xbox live. This present a problem went the opposing team does communicate with each other. Also because the game keeps kill/death ratio many player just use the recon class to get kills. They don't plant or defuse bombs on M com station, capture flags, or even spot the enemy. But when you and team work together the game really shine. Such as using team tactics to destroy a pesky tank or to take an enemy base.
Overall, I do love this game.
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