As Fear Itself begins to spread through the Marvel Universe, it invades the pages of the Invincible Iron Man. The series left off last issue with many of the members of Stark Resilient in dire need of help, with Tony cornered by Doc Oc and Pepper, Pim and Tim threatened by Sandman and Electro. Although the issue does not allude to the Fear Itself crossover till towards the end of the issue, it can already be told that the pages of Invincible Iron Man will play an important role in this event.
The issue is written by the architect of Fear Itself, Matt Fraction. Fraction has been writing this series since its inception back in 2008, and has never missed a beat with the series and he isn’t about to begin to with this issue. The fact that Fraction is writing both this series and the main title of Fear Itself most likely means that Iron Man will play a larger role in the crossover than many of the other titles, almost as if it was a direct continuation of the main story.
The art of Salvador Larroca is spectacular as always, like Fraction he has been the artist on this book since it began and it will be exciting to see his art bring to life many of the events that will unfold in Fear Itself.
Invincible Iron Man’s main involvement in the Fear Itself crossover was originally shown in the pages of Fear Itself #1, stating that Stark Resilient wants to be responsible for rebuilding a home for the asgardians on earth so that they can retain their close relation with the people of earth. Will Thor accept his offer? How does Odin feel about this plan of Tony Stark’s? Some of these answers are answered in this issue, and some of these answers will be answered as the cross over continues.
8.5 out of 10
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