Sunday, November 21

She Hulk #1

This is one of the few new series that are beginning from the fallout of Fall of the Hulks. Going into the issue I was a little skeptical about who was working on the issue since I really had seen much, if anything from the writer and artist; which I will touch on later in this review.

The story takes place right after the end of Fall of the Hulks and Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk), and the Bruce Banner’s daughter Lyra, the She-Hulk from the 23rd century. They have been tasked by Banner to track down the members of the Intelligencia so that Hulk can enact his revenge.

As a parallel story, the reader also begins to follow Lyra as she beginnings going to High School in New York City. It is really interesting to see how Lyra’s primitive/futuristic ways contrast with modern day high school drama.

One of the main points that I liked about the writing is the dialogue that is used throughout the book, it has witty nature to it that is seemingly hard to capture in most comics these days. The main thing that writer Harrison Wilcox is known for is the failed television series Heroes. I believe that this is one of the first comics that he has ever written, aside from working on the Heroes comic adaptation that was released a few years back. Knowing this, I am actually surprised at how much I enjoyed the writing, but after finding out where I had seen the name before, it made the flaws of the writing that much more noticeable.

As for the art in the book, I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed it. The only other time I had seen art from artist Ryan Stegman was a few issue of Incredible Hercules, but I never made it a point to pay good attention to it. But after reading this issue, I will make sure to check out more of his stuff. His art has kind of an Amanda Connor feel to it, but it also had hints of Joe Quesada in there as well. It is safe to say that if you are a fan of either you will not be disappointed.

Overall, this book was not disappointing like I had originally thought it was going to be. I have never been a fan of any of the She-Hulks and I personally did not read any of the Fall of the Hulks and had little to no interest in the story at all, so I really was not looking forward to this issue. But, I was pleasantly surprised with it, which in my opinion is always better than knowing something is going to be good. If you are a fan of the Hulk universe make sure to not pass up this series. If you haven’t been caught up in the Hulk-U and are a fan of the She-Hulk do not be deterred, the issue does a nice job at getting you caught up on enough of the series to understand the plot of the book.

8.0 out of 10

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