Monday, November 8

44 Years of Progress?

1966 vs 2010


First I want to Thank Myron and his great site!
He posted the Blackest Night clip.
I realize that this is NOT the finished product.  Yet, DC released the motion comic of The Watchmen years ago.  It wasn't too different in effects then this clip.
All I'm saying is that I am not really impressed by motion comics myself personally.
Back in 1966 Hanna Barbara did 'motion comics' from the art work of Jack Kirby.
Making the lips move and animating the artwork.
Just like they are doing today.

Personally I think the best job was done by Brian Bendis and Alex Maleeve on Spider-Woman.
It was created as a motion comic first.  No moving lips and little effects.
I felt it worked in a subtle yet entertaining way.

Maybe I'm way off.

Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure which one is more unintentionally funny. Blackest Night is definitely more obnoxious though.
