Wednesday, July 28
The Batman Dreams of Hieronymus Machines
The Batman Dreams Of Hieronymus Machines
Secret Avengers

So after just finishing Secret Avengers issue 3, I have decided that I am not that happy with the series as a whole. The first thing that really turns me off is that is a 4 dollar book that isn't 4 dollars in size and substance. The story line isn't that great really, and it seems kinda jumbled if you ask me. With only one more issue left in the first arc, I am questioning continuing with the book. Any care to comment on the book and my possible decision? I am very sad that the book isn't spectacular, especially because the first issue was great. Only time will tell with this book....
On a end note, the covers by Djurdjevic have been consistently awesome though!
Walking Dead #75

This was my first time reading this comic, even after I was told by umpteen amounts of people to check out this critically acclaimed series by Robert Kirkman (Marvel Zombies), and after finishing the issue I am seriously thinking about picking up the Walking Dead hard cover that is on sale at Chris’ Comics right now. This landmark 75th issue has some interesting twists included in it. Featuring a special section of the book that fulfills a promise that Kirkman made to the readers way back in issue seven of the series. I’m not going to ruin it though because it is so bizarre. One thing I will say is that it is in full color, which makes it an even greater eye-popping event within this black and white series.
This issue is action packed, not so much with zombie interactions (don’t worry faithful fans, there is still a small amount of zombies getting their heads blown off etc!). The issue revolves around Rick having a confrontation with the Doctor of the non-infected town they are residing, saying that he should be ejected from the town because he has been abusing his family, but since the man is the doctor of the town the mayor questions Rick and the end result is surprising to say the least. This issue is action packed and entertaining for its entirety, it will be interesting to see how this all pans out and affects the roles of all the characters involved.
8 out of 10
*Originally Posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
True Blood #1

Adaptations of TV shows and movies are often hit or miss, but with the True Blood comic from IDW, it is very mixed. The writing is very close to the TV show, which is because the creator of True Blood, Alan Ball writes the book. Even though it is similar, it just feels foreign in the comic and it shows that some things aren’t meant to be in other forms of media.
As for the art, Messina does an alright job, making some characters look really good, almost identical to the show, while other characters look awful. The major flaw with the art is that it is not consistent at all. Many of the characters look completely different from panel to panel.
The story line that Ball is pursuing is sub-par compared to the ones that are used in the show, which makes me think that maybe these were the stories that were rejected from the network or something. Although the story isn’t great, it weirdly worked for this issue.
The story takes place after season two, which means that if someone who is foreign to the show tried to read the comic they would be horribly lost, which in my opinion can be negative to people who are interested in the series enough to try out the comic, but not to commit to buying HBO. It would also make it more appealing to fans if they gave a specific time period in which the story takes place, giving it more of a place in the timeline of the series.
Overall, the book wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The art wasn’t great, and the story line was mediocre, but it still had that True Blood feeling to it. It will be interesting as to how Ball will tie the comic into the main series, and to how the next few issues will be compared to this one. If you aren’t a hardcore fan, this book can be passed on, but for those people who are literally obsessed, this is a must read.
6 out of 10
*Originally Posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
Charmed #1

The Charmed comic released by Zenescope comics is trying to jump on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer bandwagon, continuing the series after the show ended four years ago, continuing right where it left off.
Since I don’t know anything about the show, I will focus on the writing style and the art of the issue. Like the True Blood comic, Charmed is very close to the source material because of the writing of Paul Ruditis, one of the creative writers from the original show. This helps with containing continuity, and making it easier for fans to retain familiarity with the dialogue and story content. The dialogue is free flowing and maintains same family drama dynamic that the show emphasized.
The art on the book is a little too generic in my opinion. All of the characters look like Barbie and Ken dolls, looking all too plastic like. Also, the colors look a little too bright and colorful as well, although making it more family oriented with its bright demeanor.
Overall the book was all right, it was no Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but it wasn’t horrible. The writing is really what shined in the book, especially since the art wasn’t anything special. People who were fans of the show will be happy to see their favorite characters back in action, especially because it takes place a year and a half after the last episode of the TV series. The characters have evolved, the story has evolved, and seeing this popular series brought back to life so long after its demise is astonishing in its own right. Like any series adaptation, this is a must read for fans, and in this case, maybe even for people who just enjoyed the show, parents and children alike.
6.5 out of 10
*Originally Posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
Monday, July 26
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Update
Sunday, July 25
Saturday, July 24
Embrace the mystery

Thursday, July 22
Your mind is the scene of the crime

Wednesday, July 21
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Saturday, July 17
Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom #1

Doctor Solar is a comic character from the 1960’s that has recently been revived by Dark Horse Comics and is written by the legendary Jim Shooter and illustrated by artist Dennis Callero.
The story takes place a short while after the death and resurrection of Doctor Solar, which I am hoping will be explained in more detail in later issues. The story begins with him deep in battle with an enemy known as Leviathan, who soon turns out to be the creation of an author, which Shooter fails to really elaborate on. It is inferred that nobody knows that Doctor Solar has returned from his untimely death, and keeping his secret identity away from his loved ones and the public seems to be one of the main topics of this issue. Without ruining any of the issue, it is action packed to say the least. One of the things I liked about the issue was the art of Callero. It reminded me of the art of Mike McKone (Avengers Academy), but a little sloppier, not having that crisp clean feeling that McKone offers, but it was good nonetheless.
One of the main selling points of this issue is that it a 48 page issue for under $4! It is rare that you will get that much material for such a low price these days, so based on that premise alone it should be worth giving it a shot, and to top it off there are no advertisements detracting from the page count. In addition, the issue also features a reprint of a segment of Solar #1 from 1962, chronicling Doctor Solar’s origins. This is extremely useful when helping a new reader understand the character, especially because there are many storyline and origin holes in this new series. I would even recommend giving the reprinted issue a read before trying to tackle the new content. Also, having this extra material really beefs up the issue, making the issue more than worth cover price, so make sure to check it out, it will be worth your time.
7 out of 10
Originally Posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
The Sixth Gun #1

The Sixth gun is a new series put out by Indy comic company Oni Press. To be honest, I have not really read many Indy comics, except for a few IDW or Image series here and there. But when you read a book from Oni press, you know it’s as Indy as it can be and you are going to be seeing some of the freshest new talent. Writer Cullen Bunn is relatively knew to the comic world, creating his first work in 2006, while artist Brian Hurt is a little better known having done some work with DC a few years back.
With that said, I can firmly say that the amount of time that these guys have been involved with comics clearly shows in this book. It is safe to say that the highlight of this book was not the writing, it was the art. Hurt’s style really compliments this book well, giving it the dark feeling that it needs in order to shoulder the story being told by Bunn. The story is really confusing at first, Bunn sets up multiple story lines but there is no clear break as to where each one stops and starts, which is something, I really didn’t like. It wasn’t until about mid-way through the issue is when everything finally seems to come together. A major set back-story wise is that there is no back-story really, and many of the story lines that were started were left unfinished/were not tied into the main story. I mean it could be like this because issues one and two were released on the same day and Oni Press figured that people would buy the first two issues together? Or maybe it’s a ploy to get the reader to buy the second issue too? All I can say is that it works, because the last few pages are filled with interesting dialogue and events, so I do have a need to know what happens next.
This book definitely has an interesting premise, some very vague characters who have tons of potential to develop, and lots of violence; even though it is slightly less awesome because of the lack of blood during fight scenes. This is a must read for any Indy reader, and if you’re not really into Indy books, you might just want to check it out.
7 out of 10
*Originally Posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
Thursday, July 15
First Look at Green Lantern
The new issue of Entertainment Weekly |
Some Good and Bad News In Comics
Wednesday, July 14
Batman Odyssey #1

I jumped off the Batman band wagon about six months ago back when Batman and Robin was almost 2 months late and none of the Batman titles were really doing it for me. After reading this first issue of Batman Odyssey both written and drawn by the legendary Neal Adams it has me re-thinking my decision of ditching any and all Batman titles.
When it comes to drawing Batman, Adams is one of the best. He has a unique talent when it comes to drawing the master detective, more so than many of the artists that are undertaking the task lately. He gives the art that classic Batman feel, and it especially works well with Odyssey since the story takes place back when Dick Grayson is still the “boy” wonder and Batman is still using the classic grey and blue costume.
Speaking of this series taking place back in time when Bruce was still Batman and Dick was Robin, is probably the main reason as to why I enjoyed the book as much as I did. I tend to enjoy reading about Bruce Wayne Batman, more so than Dick Grayson Batman. Maybe its because it just feels right because it is the original, or maybe it is because I am always sick of whiney Damian Wayne in all the Batman titles—who knows the truth really? Regardless, having the original line-up in this title is one of the main reasons why it was such a great read.
Aside from that, the story that is taking place is really interesting as well. It begins with Batman telling Robin about one of the first times he took up being Batman, and it quickly segues into the actual storyline of the first arc, featuring the Riddler. It seems like the main focus is going to be about classic detective Batman, having to figure out every little thing and not really keeping Robin, Commissioner Gordon, or the reader in the loop. It is safe to say that it will be interesting as to how Adams ties the storyline of the arc together with the story that Bruce was telling Dick in the beginning of the book. This issue is a refreshing change of pace to what has been going on in the world of Batman lately, and seems like it should continue to be the same, hopefully more of the Bat-Books will be like this when Bruce fully returns.
8.5 out of 10
*Originally posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
Victor Gischler's X-Men #1 Comic Review

On X-Men day 2010, Marvel Comics released the much-anticipated X-Men series, the first X-men #1 in 20 years! The creative team behind the book is Victor Gischler (Deadpool Corps) and Paco Medina (Deadpool), using the storyline “Curse of the Mutants” as their first story arc. I have been excited for this issue to come out for quite some time now because I am a huge Victor Gischler fan.
One of the main concerns I had about this issue was the fact that it was coming out prior to the conclusion of X-Men Second Coming, fearing that the issue would release spoilers for the cross-over X-fans have been enjoying for the last few months. And to my surprise, there were no spoilers, no mention to Second Coming at all, and did well standing alone as a new X-book without any support of the many other X-titles.
The arc starts off focusing around a character that has been absent from the X-Men universe for some time, Jubilee; which is an exciting surprise to many X-Fans. After an incident involving a frightening character in a San Francisco park, the X-Men find themselves facing a new terrorist threat and what follows after said incident lays out an interesting premise for the next several issues of this series.
Without spoiling any more of the story, the main idea of this first arc stems out of Victor
Gischler’s one-shot “The Death of Dracula” and the X-Men discover that they have a Vampire problem on their hands. The one problem that I have is that I feel that Marvel released a little too much information about this new series, which kind of dulled down the surprises that occurred in this first issue. Also, I think that being able to read ‘The Death of Dracula” prior to this issue also spoiled a number of surprises and allowed me to kinda figure out all the secrets and twists that the book insinuates.
Overall, this was a great starting issue. It kept my interest the entire duration of the story, had great writing and great art, and met all the expectations I had, except for one. The one thing that I was very disappointed about was that, there were a ton of promo pin-ups that were released in many of Marvel’s issues the past few months that were awesome. I was hoping that they would be the variant covers for this first issue, but they were not. But aside from that, everything was great and I am eagerly awaiting the next issue. Welcome to the X-Universe X-Men.
9.5 out of 10
*Originally posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #1

When I first saw that this maxi-series was being released I found myself saying, “Another Avengers title?!” and almost decided not to buy the book. The main thing that intrigued me is that the story revolves around the Young Avengers, a team that has played an integral role in the Marvel universe for all the major events for the last 4 years or so. They are also a team who seems to be written well, the characters work great together, and their series never seem to be disappointing. Therefore, I decided to pick up the title.
After cracking the book open and reading about a third of the story, you learn that the agenda of the story is figuring out if Wiccan and Speed are the children of Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. The Avengers are led to believe this after an incident occurs during a battle the Young Avengers were having with a terrorist organization, which led Wiccan to discover powers he had far beyond the norm. This causes great distress in both the Avengers and Young Avengers teams, almost labeling Wiccan as an outcast.
The story continues and has many interesting twists, and actually ends up providing a large amount of information, which was especially surprising because this series is going to be a nine issue Maxi. It will be interesting to see if the remaining eight issues will be as information packed and interesting as the first.
What stands out the most in this issue is the art of artist Jim Cheung (New Avengers: Illuminati, Young Avengers), I have always been a fan of Cheung, his art is so clean and in the middle of the book he features a two page spread that is describing the history of the Scarlett Witch which is excellent. It was also nice to see that the writer was Alex Heinberg, the original writer of the Young Avengers title was writing this series, which meant that this book had its original creative team, which really added to the story if you ask me.
This issue was far beyond what I originally thought it was going to be, and I am excited to see what is going to happen to this team as the series continues. Maybe the Marvel universe will even be re-introduced to the Scarlett Witch. Only time will tell!
8 out of 10
Originally posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
MarvelMan Family’s Finest #1

Marvelman Family’s Finest is the first issue of a 6 issues mini series that will be re-printing classic Marvelman stories from the 1950’s for the first time in the United States. It was really great to read these classic comics in a cheap format. It really doesn’t get better than classic golden age writing, and Mick Anglo is more than exceptional. I was actually kind of disappointed when I saw that the first four issues didn’t include Anglo art, but luckily the last issue did.
The best part of the issue was being able to read the happy go lucky storylines from the 50’s. It reminds you about how simple comics were back then, with whacky villains and the lack of super villains, which in my opinion makes the comic even more interesting since the majority of the villains try using science to outsmart Marvelman and any other super heroes during this time. Also, the stories have a contrast of seriousness and humor to them that is perfect and never fails to be exciting. Also, the length of each self-contained story makes it hard for the reader to lose interest. In additon to the five stories, there is also an original cover gallery, as well as extra information about the series and Marvelman himself.
One of the key selling points to this issue is that the buyer gets five great stories for only four dollars and trying to get your hands on a lot of this great art and writing would cost a fortune, so check it out for a more affordable price
7.5 out of 10
*Originally Posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
Scarlet #1

It is hard to explain the excitement that filled me when I found out a few months ago that Scarlet, an original series by Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev was coming out. These two individuals are one of the best teams to ever enter comics, starting out with their run on Daredevil up till the most recent endeavor prior to Scarlet, Spider-Woman. So I knew before reading this issue, that there was a slim chance that this series could be a disappointing one, and boy was I right.
The majority of the issue focuses on introducing the reader to Scarlet as a character, breaking the forth wall and having herself explain her actions that took place at the very beginning of the issue, as well as explaining her life story in some very comical, over simplified panels that gave the reader a feel for the character in a short amount of time.
The story is a very violent one, consisting of not one, but two murders. It is illustrated beautifully by Alex Maleev, one of the best artists out there in comics today; he can not only bring a character to life like no other artist, but he also has some of the most amazing backgrounds and color pallets ever used. As for Brian Bendis, he is one of the best dialogue writers in the industry. He made the words that Scarlet was saying to the reader feel as though they were coming from a real person, filled with emotion.
This was a very powerful first issue, setting up the character and the premise for the story beautifully, without giving away any of the next issues storyline and leaving the reader completely open to figure out what is going to happen next. The only downside to the book is that it is going to be Bi-Monthly which in my opinion is never fun, especially for an up and coming book like Scarlet but, this should provide adequate time for Maleev to provide another beautiful issue to the readers. I am eagerly awaiting issue 2 in two months and applaud Benis and Maleev for another job well done.
10 out of 10
*Originally posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
Harvey Pekar
Monday, July 12
Predators is a B-movie.
Thursday, July 8
Turf #2

The second issue of John Ross and Tommy Edwards’ Turf was astoundingly better than the first. After reading the first issue, I was a little confused because of the multiple story lines, and the under development of the Alien story made it just seem out of place. Issue two brings everything full circle. All of the story lines, including the story line with the newspaper are brought together and starts to have a fluid feel to it. The action in the book is spectacular, and it was heightened by the extraordinary art work of Edwards. Edward’s art gives the feel that the book needs to take place in the 1920’s, and it is prefect for the dark and evil undertones that the book conveys. The dialogue in this book can be a little wordy, but I think that it fits the books atmosphere.
The story really takes flight in this issue, developing the gang war and finally starting to show real, gruesome, graphic battles. It will be interesting to see exactly what will happen in the next issue, especially because the cliff hangers at the end of the book are just vague enough to leave you not really knowing what is going to happen next, but wanting the next issue to come out right then and there. With the series now being half over, the next two issues will have to be just as fast paced or even faster than this last issue. It will be interesting to see how the series wraps up in the next two months, and I can assure that the next two issues will be just as great as this one, if not better.
8.5 out of 10
Originally Posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
Wonder Woman 600 Review

The first thing I noticed about this issue is the great cast of writers and artists that are featured throughout the book. Everybody from Wonder Woman regulars such as Gail Simone, to people you didn’t think you’d see on a Wonder Women comic cover, such as Phil Jimenez. So even though I have never taken the time to read a Wonder Woman comic, I knew that this issue should be beautifully written and illustrated.
Since I’ve never read a Wonder Woman comic, and all I really knew about the character is that she was an Amazonian and that she had a golden lasso of truth, so it is safe to say that I was worried that I would have no idea what was going on, but low and behold everything turned out okay and I was only lost sometimes.
Like many other milestone issues, Wonder Women was made up of a few short stories, some self-contained, and some that finished up and started new chapters in this characters long running series. In addition, the issue featured an overwhelming amount of pin-ups of the Golden Princess done by many of today’s greatest comic artists, including an amazing two-page spread done by Phil Jimenez.
The main focus of the stories that were featured in this issue focused on how pivotal Wonder Woman is to the entire DC Universe, not just when it comes to fighting super-villains, but how important she is in her life as Diana, as well as how she is the female role-model that every female character looks to for help and guidance.
This issue took the term “milestone” to a whole new level, gaining national recognition due to the introduction of Wonder Woman’s new costume design. This new design was created by Jim Lee to coincide with J. Michael Stracynski’s taking over the Wonder Woman franchise. In my opinion, the new costume design looks great, and is a refreshing change for the character, especially because she has remained relatively untouched costume wise for the last seventy years.
Overall, this issue was way better than I thought it would be. There were some very great stories; I was especially fond of the one written and drawn by Amanda Connor, she never fails to amaze me. I think the thing that made the issue so great was the addition of the pin ups throughout the issue, it helped split up the stories perfectly, and had me looking back over and over again.
8.5 out of 10
*Originally Posted on Chris' Comics Official Website
Tuesday, July 6
Action Comics #890.
Written by Paul Cornell.
Art by Pete Woods
Before this issue, I was familiar with Paul Cornell from his Max series 'Wisdom'. Which I thought was pretty good, thanks to the first two issues drawn by Bryon Hitch. I knew Cornell wrote a couple of episodes for Dr. Who. So, he is not an unknown guy. Not a super star writer, but whatever.
In my opinion, Action #890 is the best thing he has ever written, EVER.
Let me put it this way. If someone had pasted "written by Warren Ellis" on the cover, I would have believed it.
I feel that the artist is more important then the writer in most comics. Pete Woods work is pretty good in the issue, but this story that centers around Lex Luthor starts strong and never gets boring. I would have enjoyed it no matter who drew it.
We all hate hype. And I hate when someone ruins a book for me. So I will leave it here. This was an amazing and surprising issue. If you get a chance to sit and read it, I hope you enjoy it. If you read it and think I'm over reacting, let's internet fight.
P.S. I don't want to hear any crap about Warren Ellis and books that never come out on time!
Sunday, July 4
Wonder Woman puts on a pair of pants and people lose their minds!
I'm at job #2 right now.
So I'll write more about this later.
Did you hear Jim Lee?
So upsetting.