When I first saw that this maxi-series was being released I found myself saying, “Another Avengers title?!” and almost decided not to buy the book. The main thing that intrigued me is that the story revolves around the Young Avengers, a team that has played an integral role in the Marvel universe for all the major events for the last 4 years or so. They are also a team who seems to be written well, the characters work great together, and their series never seem to be disappointing. Therefore, I decided to pick up the title.
After cracking the book open and reading about a third of the story, you learn that the agenda of the story is figuring out if Wiccan and Speed are the children of Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. The Avengers are led to believe this after an incident occurs during a battle the Young Avengers were having with a terrorist organization, which led Wiccan to discover powers he had far beyond the norm. This causes great distress in both the Avengers and Young Avengers teams, almost labeling Wiccan as an outcast.
The story continues and has many interesting twists, and actually ends up providing a large amount of information, which was especially surprising because this series is going to be a nine issue Maxi. It will be interesting to see if the remaining eight issues will be as information packed and interesting as the first.
What stands out the most in this issue is the art of artist Jim Cheung (New Avengers: Illuminati, Young Avengers), I have always been a fan of Cheung, his art is so clean and in the middle of the book he features a two page spread that is describing the history of the Scarlett Witch which is excellent. It was also nice to see that the writer was Alex Heinberg, the original writer of the Young Avengers title was writing this series, which meant that this book had its original creative team, which really added to the story if you ask me.
This issue was far beyond what I originally thought it was going to be, and I am excited to see what is going to happen to this team as the series continues. Maybe the Marvel universe will even be re-introduced to the Scarlett Witch. Only time will tell!
8 out of 10
Originally posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
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