Adaptations of TV shows and movies are often hit or miss, but with the True Blood comic from IDW, it is very mixed. The writing is very close to the TV show, which is because the creator of True Blood, Alan Ball writes the book. Even though it is similar, it just feels foreign in the comic and it shows that some things aren’t meant to be in other forms of media.
As for the art, Messina does an alright job, making some characters look really good, almost identical to the show, while other characters look awful. The major flaw with the art is that it is not consistent at all. Many of the characters look completely different from panel to panel.
The story line that Ball is pursuing is sub-par compared to the ones that are used in the show, which makes me think that maybe these were the stories that were rejected from the network or something. Although the story isn’t great, it weirdly worked for this issue.
The story takes place after season two, which means that if someone who is foreign to the show tried to read the comic they would be horribly lost, which in my opinion can be negative to people who are interested in the series enough to try out the comic, but not to commit to buying HBO. It would also make it more appealing to fans if they gave a specific time period in which the story takes place, giving it more of a place in the timeline of the series.
Overall, the book wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The art wasn’t great, and the story line was mediocre, but it still had that True Blood feeling to it. It will be interesting as to how Ball will tie the comic into the main series, and to how the next few issues will be compared to this one. If you aren’t a hardcore fan, this book can be passed on, but for those people who are literally obsessed, this is a must read.
6 out of 10
*Originally Posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
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