So after just finishing Secret Avengers issue 3, I have decided that I am not that happy with the series as a whole. The first thing that really turns me off is that is a 4 dollar book that isn't 4 dollars in size and substance. The story line isn't that great really, and it seems kinda jumbled if you ask me. With only one more issue left in the first arc, I am questioning continuing with the book. Any care to comment on the book and my possible decision? I am very sad that the book isn't spectacular, especially because the first issue was great. Only time will tell with this book....
On a end note, the covers by Djurdjevic have been consistently awesome though!
I am right there with you. I haven't even picked up issue three yet and I plan on dropping the book after the first arc. The story so far has been uninteresting, the random collection of characters is almost unappealing and I can't find it in me to keep forking over four bucks for it. Looks like we really shouldn't judge a book by its amazing wraparound cover.
ReplyDeleteIm glad you agree...finally right? How many times have we found each other opposed on books? lol