Tuesday, May 31

DC to relaunch all of their titles in September.

After Flashpoint #5 DC will relaunch all of their books starting with a new number 1 issue. The characters are said to be younger and will be living in a more current world that will speak to todays audience. The first new series that was announced is a new JLA which is being written by Geoff Johns and illustrated by Jim Lee. The other big news is that DC will finally be putting out digital comics on the same day as the physical copies.

Finally we can all stop going to Heroes.

I think it's a terrible move. I don't care what you think but you can comment anyway. I mean it's a free country or whatever.

Saturday, May 28

I guess I will be the one to say something about Thor

So, Thor. It was good. I liked it. 'Lots of good 'splosions and gods.

I liked that one part where Thor and Black Swan kiss.

I give it 10 out of 12 possible raptures.

Sunday, May 22

Some cool prints for a great cause.

And just like the Prodigal Son I've returned, Anyone stepping to me you'll get burned. Cause I got lyrics and you ain't got none... Sorry I just had too. Now it is time for serious business. Moose Baumann, a comic colorist, is selling some nice 13" x 19" prints of some of his work. Plus all profits help with Baumann's wife cancer treatment. Here is a link to the article written by the Comic Alliance about it and how to purchase. Here are some examples of what he selling:


Thursday, May 5

Free Comic Book Day Reviews Part 2

To continue on with what Gwelch has already posted, here are additional reviews for some of the free issues offered at the upcoming Free Comic Book Day. I was also pleasantly surprised by the quality of the books I read and send out kudos to the publishers for releasing some excellent material this year.

Free Comic Book Day Reviews

A Quick Review of the Freebies
From Saturday

So, I'm waiting and waiting for the weekly comic list to come out and all I keep seeing is promotions for Free Comic Book Day. Well, after confronting my local comic shop about the over-due list of titles, he asks me to do him a favor. Namely, do some quick blurbs on the Free Comic Book Day books. I'm not one to say no to a good thing, so I graciously accepted the offer and started pouring over the new material. I have to say this; I was not expecting what I got. Some of these free books (Freebies) are worth there literal weight and more. I'd have gladly paid three dollars to own them. So, here's my take on some of the books you can pick up this:
Saturday, May 7th at any Comic Shop supporting Free Comic Book Day!

Wednesday, May 4

The Mighty Thor #1 Comic Review

The God of thunder himself is back in his new series by writer Matt Fraction and illustrated once more by comic great Oliver Copiel. Thor clashes with Glactus and the Silver Surfer, as he ascends into Marvel’s cosmic universe. What will this hold for Thor, and how does he expect to handle Glactus, an enemy of epic proportions?

Matt Fraction continues his work on Thor with this new title and new storyline. He balances the gravity of the current situation with the light heartedness of interactions between displaced Asgardians and the residents of Broxton, Oklaholma. The great thing about Fraction starting this title is now Thor fans not only have two great books to enjoy, but two great writers as well as Kieron Gillien takes over Fractions reigns as the writer of the primary Thor title. This provides ample amounts of instances where fans can do a compare and contrast of the writer’s interpretations of the many different characters involved.

Action Comics #900 Review

The world of comics has just released its biggest milestone yet with Action Comics #900. The title began back in 1938 with the introduction of the first superhero, Superman. 900 issues later, Superman still plays a prominent role in the series and is the main character is the primary story of the issue.

Tuesday, May 3

Super Quick Review of Fast Five.

Dumb and ridiculous, but I still found it entertaining. Maybe it was the crowd I saw it with. But if you are in the mood for a dumb heist movie, you could do worse.

Super Quick Portal 2 review.

Portal 2 is the best game of the year so far. Between the hilarious dialog, great game design or level of polish this game has. It is a definite must try, if not a must buy.

P.S. yes Cave Johnson is voiced by J.K. Simmons, and he is my favorite character.