Wednesday, September 29

Tuesday, September 28

Supertoys from Autolux

NO one likes it when I post music videos on, hey Autolux is back after a long wait.
Here they are performing live in glorious high definition

Wiebe back on top

(CANVAS STAFF REPORTS) - For the third time this year there's a new world record for the classic video game Donkey Kong.

Former champion Steve Wiebe regained the title from Hank Chien with a score of 1,064,500, as verified by video game scorekeeping organization Twin Galaxies .Wiebe, a teacher from Washington, last held the title in spring 2007. He lost to rival Billy Mitchell of Florida a few months later. Both Kongsters were featured in the documentary "King of Kong."

Monday, September 27

The Birds of Prey think Aquaman has a little fish...

Show: Batman: The Brave & the Bold
Setup: Batman gets amnesia and believes he is a mobster, grows a stache & starts wearing a pimp cape. Catwoman, Black Canary & Huntress going to stop him by singing. Oh the song was written by Gail Simone and you definitely can see some of her Secret Six style humor in it.

Thank to Topless Robot for pointing this out.

Tuesday, September 21

Monday, September 20

Kodiak One-Shot

When I first purchased Kodiak, I was overwhelmingly excited for two reasons. First off, it was by author Joe Hill and his work on Locke and Key is some of the best work I have ever laid my eyes on. Secondly, the story is about a bear, and bears are awesome.

Going into the book I knew that story was about man vs. beast and how man survives against one of the deadliest creatures on earth. But after reading the first page I knew that the book was about more than that.

X-23 #1

For some time I have known that X23 was going to be getting her own series, not only because it was announced awhile ago, but also because her rising popularity over the last 4 years or so made it apparent that Marvel would soon try to start her with her own series.

I cannot say that I was hopeful for this comic. Instead of condemning this book from the start I decided that I would at least read it and give it a shot.

Wednesday, September 8

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Review

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero is a strange beast. This Xbox 360 prelude, to the upcoming game Dead Rising 2, introduces you to extreme sport athlete Chuck Green and his daughter Katey. They end stranded in a little town of Still Creek as there is a massive zombie out break.  Added to Chuck's frustration is that Katey is infected and needs medication (Zombrex) to keep her from joining the undead.

Friday, September 3

Morning Glories #1

When picking up Morning Glories I noticed that I had never read anything by the author Nick Spencer, or the artist Joe Eisma. I really had nothing to base my decision off of when picking up this book, aside from hearing it was an interesting new original series.

The series centers on a group of kids who are accepted into Morning Glory Prep, a very prestigious school that attracts students from all over the world.

Veronica #202

To most people this issue of Veronica from Archie Comics just looks like another run of the mill issue, but to comic readers all around the country, it was a milestone issue that many had been waiting for.

This was my first time reading an Archie comic, I always knew that they were these fun, easy to relate to kinds of stories that have been loved by fans for years. Even though I am familiar with the cast of characters in Archie comics, I was afraid that jumping into the franchise on this issue would cause me to feel a little lost, but that was not the case. When I opened up the issue and started reading I felt as though I had been reading these characters stories my whole life. Well, except for the character Kevin Keller, the character that this issue was all about.

What is so special about Kevin Keller one may ask? Well for months it has been known that Archie was going to be introducing the first gay character to ever come to Riverdale, and that character is Kevin Keller.

When I opened the issue I was wondering when, where and how the comic was going to reveal that he is gay and to my surprise, it only took 6 pages! I thought the way they introduced Kevin was really unique, tactful, and comfortable. It is a fun, funny story that kept me interested the whole time. The issue was written in a way that used easy to read words and keeping the sentence structure simple so that a large age group could enjoy it. Also, I really like how Archie Comics have kept the old art style alive, not really deterring from the original style, keeping it simple and classic.

What I really like about this issue is that it reads like a one-shot and if anyone wanted to read this comic they could with relative ease and enjoy the story. I feel as though that Kevin will fit right in with the Archie Universe and will be a popular addition. I am looking forward to how his character will be developed. This is a great read, and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone.

10 out of 10

Originally Posted on the Official Chris' Comics Website