Sadly, it is true. It probably has been roughly 100 issues since Deadpool 900 came out, so of course Marvel thought that it would be awesome to put out a Deadpool 1000. I am not trying to complain, I myself am a Deadpool fan, but I do think that his popularity and Marvel’s obsession with the Merc with a Mouth is getting a little out of hand. Regardless, Marvel put out a great issue with Deadpool 1000, way better than my expectations were set at.
Just looking at this issue caused me to think two positive thoughts. Number one, look at the size of this issue! It’s a HUGE book! And for the cover price of $5, it is definitely worth it. The second thing I noticed was the great wrap around cover by Dave Johnson. I always love seeing his covers, and he never lets me down when it comes to Deadpool (if you haven’t already, check out his connecting covers from Prelude to Deadpool Corps). Then when I opened the issue, I was even more impressed.
The issue is comprised of eleven different Deadpool stories, and surprisingly they are all pretty quality stories, but the first four are easily the best of the group, and sport the biggest names as well. Speaking of talent, I was really surprised at the people Marvel got to write and illustrate the stories for this book. A few mentionable writers are David Lapham (Stray Bullets, Detective), and Rick Remender (Punisher). While the book sports art from big name artists like Paco Medina (X-Men, Deadpool), and Jerome Opena (Punisher).
I was surprised at how quickly this monster issue read, and how interesting it was. I enjoyed some of the more quirky stories such as “Too Many Deadpools” and “A Day in the Life” which took a new view on the Merc with a Mouth. It is always nice to see this much talent put into one issue, and it is rare for every story to be good in an issue that collects short stories (especially when it gets into the double digets). I usually try to not recommend Deadpool comics to people who have never read him before because his ever growing fan base is a little too intense if you ask me, but Deadpool 1000 is a solid issue and should be read by all comic fans.
9.5 out of 10
Originally Posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
I am surprised by just how much I enjoy this book. I got to thank Jared for suggesting it. Good review.