This is the third issue in the newest Green Arrow series released by DC, and is just one of the many titles that is tied into the Brightest Day crossover that has been going on for the last four months. I have had an interest in reading this series for awhile since I really enjoy Green Arrow as a character, but have avoided it due to the fact that I am not reading Brightest Day in any way, shape, or form. I feel as though i would be lost at many points in the story, so I never gave it a chance. Finally after hearing it was a good book from so many people, I decided to suck it up and check it out, and to be honest I was completely wrong, I wasn’t really lost at all.
Issue three starts off after a more than exciting event that took place at the end of issue two; Oliver Queen had been shot in the head, ironically, with an arrow. As our hero lies there thinking he is going to die, a strange, unknown character rescues him. The story contains a lot of backstory, including information about the new character that has been introduced. But the majority of the backstory is about Green Arrows father and the corruption that surrounded him. One of the interesting things that occur in the book is the allusion to the Brightest Day, such as placement of the White Lantern symbol, the strategic use of the word “brightest” and the use of the term giving life. It is quite creative if you ask me.
The writing and art are great in this book. I was a big fan of J.T Krul on the last Green Arrow series, so to see him continue with the character was okay in my opinion. I was even happier to see that Diogenes Neves was working on the book; I was a huge fan of his art on New Mutants, so to see his talent being used in this book made me more than happy. Above all though, the best part of this series is the fact that DC has Mauro Cascioli doing the covers for this series. I loved his work on Cry for Justice and it is really hard to one-up his painted covers.
Overall, this was a great issue. Some downsides are that it is an information issue, so there isn’t a large amount of action, and the main thing that I did not like about this book was that it read too darn fast! But like I said, it was a fun read and is worked on by men of great talent.
8 out of 10
Originally Posted on the Chris' Comics Official Website
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