The first issue of Mark Millar and Steve McNiven’s was mind blowing. The story was above and beyond, and McNiven’s art was especially great as usual, even though some people thought it was lacking because of the way it was inked. Regardless, it was a solid issue. Just like issue one, there was nothing lacking in issue two.
Issue one was used to mainly established Nemesis and the way he does business, as well as introduce all of the supporting characters. Issue two finally tells exactly who Nemesis is, as well as giving a small back-story about the character. One major change I noticed in issue two was the inks and colors. In issue one it just seemed like only pencils were used over inks and the colors were kind of opaque, whereas in this issue they were a little brighter which brought a lighter feel to it. I am still unsure which I like better.
I do wish that Dexter Vines (Civil war, Old Man Logan) was part of the series though, he makes McNiven’s art work the best it can be. I wholly believe that even though Vines usually bright and colorful, I think that he would be able to do that darker grittier feel that Nemesis is going for.
Now that Nemesis is half way done, I feel that the next two issue will be even more action packed, informative, and maybe even more exciting that the last two issues if that is even possible. The only problem that I had with Nemesis was one of the same problems I had with issue one, the issue read way too fast. In a positive light it leaves me wanting more, but since this book takes so long to come out I just wish that it gave me a little more, but since this is the only negative aspect of the book overall, I really shouldn’t be complaining in the slightest
I’d like to applaud Mark Millar and Steve McNiven for yet another beautifully written series and drawn series and I hope that it will finish on time, unlike some of Millars other series. I know that I will be eagerly awaiting issue 3, and I am sure I’m not the only one feeling this way.
9.5 out of 10
Originally posted on http://www.chriscardscomics.com/
As I do agree that issue 2 is better that the first. It is still just a evil Batman story. It is fun but lacks depth.