Favorite Comic: X-Force #27
Mike Choi does it again! I guess my true bias shows up when an issue of X-Force comes out that is drawn by Choi and inked by Oback. But aside from their involvement with the book it was yet another great issue of X-Men Second Coming. The greatest part of this book was the first 6 pages or so that were text free and let the reader just soak in and feel just what was going on with the battles that have been waging for the past 2 months. It really illustrates how powerful Choi's art is. This issue was great because it is finally pushing us towards the end of the cross over since there are only 4 issues left. The action in the books was spectacular and the ending was even better. I'm not going to spoil any of the story line for anyone, but to see where the book takes what happened at the end will be pretty interesting, even though everyone knows that the worst outcome wont happen. I am kinda disappointed that next week is a by-week for the cross over, I have really enjoyed the week after week of progressing story line. Lets just hope that the cross over can keep up its momentum and finish strong.
8.5 out of 10

Least Favorite: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #37
The reason why this issue was so disappointing is not because it was a bad issue, it was because it did not live up to last year annual and that is what I was expecting. The whole issue kinda took place in the past. The stuff with Captain America was interesting and fun because I am a fan of Cap and Spidey but it just wasn't enough. I was hoping the issue would be less like a one-shot and more part of the current story arc with the Kravens. It was kinda nice to see that the second half of the annual wasn't a reprint from an older issue and to see that it was just a throw back to the 90's with an unused story, that actually wasnt half bad.
Over all the issue was not bad, it had pretty good writing and decent art and the stories were bad, but like I said I was just expecting something else entirely and when it didn't deliver it was disappointing. The good thing is that, although it didnt give me what I wanted, its better than giving me something I hated.
6.5 out of 10
I loved the Choi artwork on x-force, his Namor was great.