Former champion Steve Wiebe regained the title from Hank Chien with a score of 1,064,500, as verified by video game scorekeeping organization Twin Galaxies .Wiebe, a teacher from Washington, last held the title in spring 2007. He lost to rival Billy Mitchell of Florida a few months later. Both Kongsters were featured in the documentary "King of Kong."

Finally, Wiebe outscored Mitchell on July 31; Twin Galaxies verified the score and announced it on Monday.
"I love that everyone keeps playing and we have new competitors. It's a great rivalry that we're building up," Wiebe told MyNorthwest.com .

The enduring game came out in 1981 when a Japanese artist created a game that featured a plumber, a kidnapped blonde, plenty of barrels and, of course, a gorilla.
"In 1981, Donkey Kong redefined video games, and Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto found themselves looking down on the industry from atop a mountain of quarters," according to Gamespot.com .
It wasn't until October 1999 that Nintendo released the arcade game as a video game by for Nintendo 64. The game was an instant smash, selling 2.5 million copies, which made it the sixth-best-selling game of the year even though it was released in October, reported the site.