When picking up Morning Glories I noticed that I had never read anything by the author Nick Spencer, or the artist Joe Eisma. I really had nothing to base my decision off of when picking up this book, aside from hearing it was an interesting new original series.
The series centers on a group of kids who are accepted into Morning Glory Prep, a very prestigious school that attracts students from all over the world.
The beginning of the book starts out with a bang by throwing you into the story without introducing any of the character and really having no clue what is going on. After a couple pages of that, the story reverts to the past and starts to introduce the characters one by one. After about half of the issue was over, I was getting kind of bored with the explanations of the characters, and the long drawn out first interactions with each other and it just seemed like nothing important was really happening, but then I read a little bit more and stuff started to get weird.
After the rooming process happens, that is when the book started to finally get interesting. One of the students, Casey makes an interesting discovery that links all of the characters in the book and as the end of the issue approaches, she learns even more disturbing things about the school, leading up to the craziest part of the issue, the last page. This book leaves the reader with a cliffhanger like no other. It made reading the issue completely worth it and just left me wanting more.
The writing in this issue was very realistic, and I think that Spencer did a great job capturing the personalities of so many different characters in this book, and if he can keep developing them in their different ways, then the remainder of these issues will be just as good script wise. As for the art, I really didn’t feel that Eisma’s art was anything special, I mean don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t bad or anything there just wasn’t that something that made me think “Wow this guy is amazing!”, but nonetheless it wasn’t a deterrent for the issue.
Overall, Morning Glories did not fall below my expectations. It was actually a little better. Even though at the beginning of the issue I was scared that it was going to be extremely boring, it really made up for it in the end. The one thing I can really relate this issue to is the show LOST. A lot of different interesting characters, many unexplained phenomenon, and cliffhangers like no other. So if you like those kinds of stories then definitely check out Morning Glories.
8.5 out of 10
Originally Posted on the Official Chris' Comics Website
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