Favorite Comic #1: Amazing Spiderman #630

This is the first installment in the Spiderman's newest arc: Shed. The issue marks the return of Kurt Connors aka The Lizard. I have been excited for this arc to start for quite some time. The Lizard has to be one of my favorite Spidey Villains and to see him back in action is pretty exciting. I think what the Spiderman brain trust is doing with the character is great; Connors is transforming more and more into a lizard as the years go on and just makes his character even more interesting. Its kind of like he has schizophrenia, and his subconscious Lizard personality is constantly beckoning him. Its pretty awesome if you ask me.
I was pretty excited when I saw that Zeb Wells was writing this arc, he is the second best Spidey writer next to Joe Kelley in my opinion and him teaming up with Bachalo on the art was also a good decision, I feel like he has the power to give the comic a real life feeling but also can keep in more on the cartoony/comic side as well with his art.
This issue is constant excitement, with beautiful art and writing. Its nice to see a good Spiderman arc since the majority of the last arcs were just mediocre, with one of of three issues a month being quality work. I am excited to see how this arc progresses, and hopefully Spiderman will continue to be excellent, especially with the Kraven arc coming up (But I am skeptical of the One Moment In Time Arc, even though I am a fan of Quesada and Rivera), but only time will tell.
9 out of 10

Favorite Comic #2 - Astonishing Spiderman & Wolverine #1
When I first heard about this comic I was pretty skeptical, but boy I could have been more wrong. First off, its Jason Aaron writing it, so its already pretty cool. Secondly, its Adam Kubert doing the art, even more cool. And then after I opened the book on Wednesday I saw that Dexter Vines was doing the inks, seriously, that is so cool.
The story was pretty cool as well, it pits Spiderman and Wolverine back in time due to some ancient stones, which I didn't think was cool at all at first, but it did prove to be entertaining. There wasn't that much action since it was setting up for the rest of the story, but it was interesting anyways. I feel like this really shows that it is the writer is skilled being able to keep the reader entertained when the whole book is just setting up for the next issue.
The only really negative thing about the comic is that it is going to be bi-monthly. Which especially sucks because it is a mini-series. But for art like Kubert's in this book, its totally worth it. It really is the art that makes this issue how great it is. I love Vine's work with Steve McNiven and he really pulls it off he unique style with Kubert. I am looking forward to the next issue, just have to wait till July...sigh.
8 out of 10
Favorite Comic #3 - War of the Supermen #1

I have been pretty excited for this event since I found out that issue 0 was coming out on FCBD. I have been interesting on jumping on the Superman band wagon for awhile, and this was the event that was going to allow me to do that; especially since issue 0 gave a brief overview about what happened over the last two years in the Superman universe. This issue was non-stop action and entertainment. It had everything from the big fight between Superman and Zod, to the heartfelt interactions between Supergirl and her mother, all the way to the destruction of New Krypton, which was mind blowingly awesome.
The art is great, Gates does a great job with the faces of all the characters and conveys their emotions perfectly, which is one reason why the issue was so good. I have been a fan of James Robinson for a little while, so when I saw that he was writing this event, I was pretty excited about it. I just hope that the next three issues can live up this this one.
One thing I am most excited about is that the whole event will be done in the month of May, one issue a week for a month. I like the DC is taking this new route with their limited series (except for the whole 26 issue maxi series event...cough brightest day cough). Speaking of Brightest day, I am not that happy with it so far so if I end up dropping that I will drop the whole lantern universe, so picking up the whole Superman universe wont hurt my wallet that bad. But it is safe to say that I am excited for the next issue on Wednesday.
9 out of 10
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