I was pretty skeptical about buying this book because of its 5 dollar price tag, but after giving it a read I was pretty satisfied with the amount of money I spent. I knew that this would be a conclusion of the New Avengers series, but after opening the first page I quickly learned that this was the finale of Siege as well; as I read the book it tied up all of the loose ends of Siege and brought it to a pretty good conclusion.
Brian Michael Bendis is probably one of the best conversation writers in comics, and this issue really showed that. The things that the Avengers said to each other during most of the big battles were pretty entertaining and witty. Im usually pretty satisfied with Hitch's art work and it was no different with this issue.
I was really happy that Ms. Marvel played a large role in this books story. She is a great character and I was pretty unhappy with the fact that her book got canceled. The main battle against Count Nefaria was really exciting especially because it exhibited the full extent of Ms. Marvel's powers and it was pretty impressive and drawn well.
There was never a low point of this book if you ask me, which is the main reason why I didnt mind the fact that I paid 5 dollars for the book. Bendis did a great job wrapping up the story line with this set of New Avengers, and I am excited to see what he is going to do with the next set.
8 out of 10
Least Favorite: The Marvels Project #8

I was really excited about this issue and when I read it and finished it I was pretty disappointed to say the least. First off, this is a 4 dollar book, and I feel as thought I got as many pages as a 3 dollar book, and about as much substance as a 2 dollar book.
I have been generally happy with this maxi series since it started, great art by Steve Epting and quality writing from Ed Brubaker, but with this issue, it just didnt seem to be there like it has been in the past. I feel like Brubaker became to invested into the many story lines he had going on during this series and instead of shortening the stories, or not doing as many he rushed to finish them in this final issue.
One of my biggest questions that I have had since about issue 5 of this series, is where did the Angel story go? He kinda just dropped out of issues 6 and 7 when Brubaker decided to give Captain America and Bucky a more prominent role. Brubaker finally consulted this in this issue with the Angel's one page cameo and also gave him another role that concluded the series that I wont talk about so that I dont ruin it for people who havent read it yet. I believe that this issue could have concluded better with a longer issue, or many even one more issue so that the conclusions to everyones stories could have had a little more worth and substance to them.
I look at it this way, 7 out of 8 isnt bad for a maxi series if you ask me!
4 out of 10
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