Sunday, February 28
My Zune is fried.

Saturday, February 27
Tab news
Who is 'The Citizen'? Part 1
He is calling himself 'The Citizen'
"Who is the citizen?" a few of my friends asked.
Sucka's be Ready
Wednesday, February 24
Tuesday, February 23
Tab: Slew of Chemicals? Or Best Drink EVER

Anyways, Tab is pretty hard to come by nowadays. The only places around here that I know that sell it are New Hampshire, Connecticut, and NYC. Luckily I live in one of those states and can enjoy it from week to week.
You know when people have a passion about something and they want to share it with everyone they know? Well Tab is my thing that I share with everyone, and usually they enjoy it. Regardless, if you ever get a chance try Tab, its great and I would drink it everyday.
Brand Name vs Generic Part 2
I am adding to Chris' fantastic post about generic food.
This is what I DON'T mess around with: Ketchup.
So here you go Heinz and who ever else makes good ketchup.
Here is your endorsement.
Generic ketchup (or catsup) is awful.
Who the fart is Tate anyway?
Tate, your ketchup taste like acid
Brand Name Vs. Generic
So here are some store brand products you can trust:
Store Brand Cereal:
Cereal is a pretty good store brand choice. It tastes almost exactly the same, especially if it is a more sugary kind cause that is most of what people are tasting anyways. But other kinds are pretty good too. I tried store brand Raisin Brand Crunch and it was just as good as the Brand name kind. Maybe even better, also it was 60% cheaper than store brand.
Store Brand Soda:
Lets face it....Soda is sugar and thats it. I feel as though store brand soda is pretty good for the price its at. I mean yeah, there will always be preference but when the money is tight it isnt that bad to go with the store brand. Plus, the grocery store around me has some pretty good flavors that the major companies dont, such as strawberry and birch beer.
But like everything, there are things you can't trust either and I have learned these the disappointing way....by trying them:
Store Brand Crackers:
Any kind of crackers that are store brand are just junk. They are tasteless, have no crunch to them, and just plain old suck. I have tried flavored crackers, generic ritz crackers, generic wheat thins and triscits and they are all are disappointing. So when it comes to these things, stick with the brand name so you wont have to live through the disappointment like I did.
Store Brand Paper Products:
It is a pretty common rule, something you dont be cheap on is toilet paper, tissues and paper towels. Sure, most of the time you can get away with cheap tissues and paper towels, but toilet paper is a definite no. I mean who wants thin TP that breaks when youre trying to use it, its not only disgusting, but very annoying too. So yeah, when you go for that one ply stuff because its two bucks cheaper, think of it this way, its 2 times thinner as well. So even if you double it up to make it thicker, youre now using twice the TP causing the roll to end twice as fast. How is that cost efficient? Yeah, thats what I thought.
Monday, February 22
Olympics! Medals! Sexy pics?
If this happens you will have to apologize to a bunch of people and become shamed into leaving the Olympics early.
Take a lesson from Olympic bronze medalist Scotty Lago.
Texas,Teabags and Two Americas
Last week an angry Texan crashed his plane into a federal building killing himself and another person. Apparently he had been battling with the I.R.S for years.

Cornbread's Favorite and Least Favorite Comics of the Week - 2/17
Had a large week this week, therefore it was hard to pick my favorite and least favorite comic, but low and behold I was able to do it anyways. So here is the verdict:
Favorite Comic: Power Girl #9
*Warning Spoiler Alert*

Ever since I decided to pick up Power Girl as one of my monthly comics, it has never let me down. First of all, I enjoy Amanda Connor's art immensely (as well as her face) and the writing is pretty witty. The comic starts off referring to someone knowing Power Girls secret identity which has been the underlying plot for a few issues now. It segways into a scene where Power Girl is left naked due to her towel falling and is inconspicuously covered up by some very well placed groceries, which Jared found to be annoying, but I think it adds some good humor. The story continues on with the city being attacked by some pretty sweet looking animal solidiers (elephants and rhinos to be exact) and Power Girl comes and beats them up. Then you finally learn that Satanna is here to enact her revenge for what Power Girl did in issue two with super Humanite. I like that the writer is tying together the issues and going with a continuing story line. I thought that it was going to keep being little two issue arcs over and over again, which can get boring quick. So to see that they are going to focus on a larger picture it is pretty cool. Also, the ending of the book was pretty cool with a surprise savior for Power Girl.
8.5 out of 10
Least Favorite Comic: Blackest Night Flash #3
*Warning Spoiler Alert*

So first off, I would just like to say that I expected this to be a disappointment. The problem with this Blackest Night mini is that they tried to do too much story line in this small three issue series. The whole thing with both the Flash trying to save Bart, and then you have Mr. Cold or whatever his name is trying to deal with a bunch of other Black Lanterns. When reading this mini I just felt lost most of the time and I feel like it really didnt add really anything to the Blackest Night story line at all. Which is a real disappointment because I really enjoy the Flash and was pretty excited for this tie in. I think this has once again proven that I should just stop reading these mini's and just read the main story line. Out of all of the Blackest Night minis the only good ones have been Wonder Woman and Superman. The others have added little to nothing to the story line or have just been junk all around. Anyways, back to the Flash. Heres the ending so you dont have to read it yourself, it ends up that him and the other Flash save Bart and Cold defeats the Black Lanterns just like Batman did with a cold gun. No surprise there. Great Job!
3 out of 10
Tuesday, February 16
Cornbread's FAVORITE comic of the Week - 2/10
Favorite Comic: Punisher Max #4
*Warning Possible Spoiler Alert*

Towards the middle of the issue the Punisher begins his battle with Mennonite and it proves to be awesome. I think my favorite part is that Mennonite uses all these unconventional weapons and talks to himself almost the whole battle about how God wants him to kill Frank Castle. But to see Frank Castle run away from battle was interesting. I am excited to see how their battle concludes and how the Punisher pulls through this one.
As for the King Pin's grand plan, to see it come together was pretty sweet. Lots of blood and twists made it that much better. I am excited to see how the battle between Rigoletto and King Pin unfolds and I am especially excited for the next issue so that we can see how the arc ends. Also, if I remember correctly I think the next arc features Bullseye which should be pretty cool. This book just keeps on delivering, and it is moving its way up on my list of favorites.
10 out of 10
Hero-Bot Awards 2009!

The results are in and here are your winners!
Best New Ongoing Series: The Unwritten – The Unwritten is a title from Vertigo comics; a subsidiary of DC Comics written by Mike Carey and Peter Gross. Vertigo recently decided to change the cover price of many of their new series to 1.00 for the first issue in order to gain a larger reader base on many of their upcoming titles, and with Unwritten it paid off. The story follows Tommy Taylor who is both a real person, as well as a character in his Fathers acclaimed book series. As the story progresses it seems as though the two Tommy Taylors no longer seem to be separate people as events from the his Father’s stories begin to become reality.
Best Ongoing Series: Green Lantern – No surprise with this title winning the award! Green Lantern has been on the rise in the past year due to the return of Hal Jordan after the events of Green Lantern Rebirth as well as the DC’s Blackest Night event that has jump started Green Lantern to comic book super stardom. Don’t get me wrong though, its not just these events that have made Green Lantern the book it is today, that credit goes to Writer Geoff Johns and artist Doug Mahnke who make this book the best ongoing series of 2009 and at the rate its going, maybe even the best ongoing series of 2010.
Best Mini Series: Batman Cacophony – This mini series from writer and director Kevin Smith follows past events of one of DC Comic’s most popular heroes Batman. This three issue series features Batman’s arch nemesis the Joker as he wages a drug war with Maxie Zeus, but also features one of Smith’s own villains by the name of Onomatopoeia. As Batman struggles to figure out who Onomatopoeia is and what his motives are, while also having to regulate the actions of the sinister Joker. In my opinion, this series is a must read for any Batman fan and it does not fail to keep you on your toes throughout the entire story. Also, make sure to check out Batman: Widening Gyre a new mini series by Kevin Smith going on right now.
Best Maxi Series: Blackest Night – First and foremost, what separates a maxi series from a mini series is the issue amount, a maxi series has more than six and a mini has less than six. The winner of this category was of no surprise, Blackest night was the biggest event in the comic universes on 2009 and re-invigorated many of DC’s titles due to their association with the event. Blackest Night is the largest comic event to ever occur, with the most amount of tie-ins from other series. The story revolves around the fact that all of the people who have died over the years are coming back to life as powerful Black Lanterns and have sworn to get their revenge on the heroes of the DC universe who wronged them during the years they were alive. The many different lantern corps that exist in the universe will have to get over their differences and ban together against this new and powerful threat. As the series begins to wrap up after a year of existence, many fans are eager to see what is going to happen; and some are just happy that it is going to end!
Best Indy Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 8) – Buffy the Vampire slayer is no stranger to modern day pop culture, after its seven season run from writer and creator Joss Whedon. Following the conclusion of Buffy’s TV series Whedon decided that he was going to continue the series by putting out the Buffy comic series entitling it Season 8: Time of Your Life. The series has had great fan reception since it began in 2007. In 2009 it is still is extremely popular and continues to amazes its overwhelming fandom.
Best Writer: Geoff Johns – No surprise here! Geoff Johns is considered to be one of the greatest writers in DC comics and he has done nothing but lived up to that mantle. Johns is currently writing Blackest Night and the Green Lantern, as well as a number of other DC titles and never fails to deliver to his fans. Comic fans know that if John’s name is on the cover than the book will not be a let down. In addition to comics, Johns is also a television writer, recently writing the made for TV movie Smallville: Absolute Justice. For anyone looking to get into comics, starting with a book written by Johns would be no mistake.
Best Interior Artist: Ivan Reis – Ivan Reis has gained major acclaim in the last year due to his work first on Green Lantern with Geoff Johns, but most notably his interior work on Blackest Night. He is an up and comic artist who because of Blackest Night will have a great chance of making a major name for himself in the comic years.
Best Cover Artist: Mike Choi – Mike Choi is one of the artist that when you see one of his covers you say “Whoa, what a great cover, who did it? “ and then when you see it is Choi you understand why it is such a great cover. Choi is best known for his astounding covers on Marvel’s X-Force series, but has also done covers for many other Marvel titles. Choi’s art just has this feeling to it that seems so realistic but still feels like you’re reading a comic book, its very hard to explain. Aside from the great covers Choi produces, he also provides interior art for X-Force and has also done art for Uncanny X-men. Choi is never one to let his fans down, and continues to wow the comic community with his great work.
Best New Talent: Patrick Gleason – Gleason is a comic artist who does not have many titles under his belt, but the titles he has worked on are spectacular. He has provided art for the 2006 mini series Green Lantern: Recharge and is currently the artist for one of DC’s most popular titles: Green Lantern Corps. Like Ivan Reis, Gleason’s art is getting major recognition due to his books involvement with the Blackest Night crossover event. Gleason is a very young artist and many look forward to his futures works.
Best Single Issue: The Unwritten #1 – When Unwritten his the shelves in May of 2009 people just had to look at the cover of the book and they were already hooked and then when they look and see that the book has only a $1 cover price how could they not give it a shot. The first issue of this series does nothing but deliver to the reader, with 40 pages of spectacular art and writing, as well as an introduction to an all-star cast. When you finished this book you were left with this feeling of excitement and fulfillment and began to eagerly awaiting the next issue. Unwritten is one of those series that when someone asks you to explain it to them you’re left saying that it is impossible to do it accurately and that they should just read it for themselves.
Most Underrated in Comics: Jonathan Hickman – Most comic fans hear the name Jonathan Hickman and ask who is that? This is exactly why he is so deserving of the award most underrated in comics. Hickman currently writes one of Marvel’s flagship comics Fantastic Four with artist Dale Eaglesham as well as one of Marvel’s newer series Secret Warriors. And trust me, if you were to pick up either of these titles you would not be disappointed. Hickman’s writing is like something else, it engulfs the reader in the story and Hickman never fails to leave the end of the book with a cliffhanger that will leave you longing for the next issue. Hickman will also begin to write another ongoing series for Marvel entitled Shield which will be released in the upcoming months, so make sure to check out one of his three series and you will not be disappointed.
Most Hated in Comics: Disney Buy-Out of Marvel – The most controversial issue in comics has now become one of the most hated events in comic history. In August of 2009 the unthinkable happened, a 4 billion dollar deal which turned Marvel Comics in to a subsidiary of Disney. People didn’t know what to think, whether Disney would destroy the company by using its power to change Marvel for the worst? Or would they just sit by and reap the profits from Comic’s biggest company. As of now, nothing has really changed or occurred, but the event left many comic fans with a bitter taste in their mouths. 2010 will prove to be an interesting year based on what Disney decides to do with their newly acquired addition.
If youre interested in picking some of these winning titles or any comic books in general please stop by Heroes Your Mom Threw Out Comic Shop on W14th Street in Elmira Heights.
The Fearless Restaurant

Continuing the "anything and everything" ditcum Jared gave me, I give you Moshulu:
Tuesday, February 9
Review: Wolverine Weapon X

I decided to do another review of a new series I began to read this week: Wolverine Weapon X
For the longest time Jared has been trying to get me to read this series, so I decided last week to pick up the first 5 issues, which was the first arc, and give it a shot. I went into this book with high hopes, and although it didnt let me down completely, it just didnt live up to the expectations I had given it.
Although the book was well written, due to the talent of Jason Aaron (which included some good humor) and was well drawn there was one major thing that was bothering me about it. And that was how hard the story was to follow and how each book ended.
I felt with each issue I was left a little confused as to what was going on, and a little under fullfilled as to how I was hoping the issue would end. It usually left me saying wtf is going on, or it ended with...why the fart is it ending this way? It was never a good cliff hanger or something that made me wanting to read the next issue.
The reasons as to why I decided not to continue reading this series is the fact that it is a 4 dollar book and I feel as though each issue is definitely not worth this amount of money. But most importantly, this is a book that I feel I would read, be lost or confused (or both) and then the next month when the next issue came out I would have no clue what went on the month before and would either have to go back and re-read the first issue, which isn't always possible due to the fact a lot of my collection is at home instead of at school with me.
When i decided to read this series I was torn between reading this, or the Image series Chew. Looks like I'll be giving Chew a shot and pick up the first trade. Hopefully I enjoy it more than I did Weapon X
5 out of 10
Cornbread's Favorite and Least Favorite Comics of the Week - 2/3
Favorite Comic: Siege #2
*Warning Possible Spoiler Alert*

Marvel really did it right this time. Siege issue two was by far the best thing I have read in a long time. Not only was it non-stop action, but it actually moved the story along in a manner that makes you believe that the next two issues will be just as good.
There are two main reasons as to why this book won me over as book of the week:
1. It totally made up for Siege #1, which although was a good book, it was lacking majorly due to the fact it was basically setting up for issue 2 and the fact that every had read the first seven pages 600 times.
2. Please refer to the issue on page 21 and 22 for an excellent fold out page that cant be described with words. If you want to know what it is you will just have to pick up the issue yourself.
Another reason why I greatly enjoyed this book is that it focused around Ares, and he is a character that never gets old. In addition, for a few pages the book was focused on the Secret Warriors and showed that Phobos was not going to be included in the battle for Asgard, which I think is going to play a major role later in the story line. Plus, there was a funny scene featuring Nick Fury and Phobos that was pretty funny.
As the cover showed, a main player in the issue was going to be the Sentry, who typically I am not a fan of, but in this issue, he was redeemed. They finally have him playing the role of the crazy unstoppable force that he should be. Not the little crying baby they have had him playing recently.
I hope that Bendis and Coipel keep it up and deliver with Siege issues 3 and 4, because after this issue fans are going to be looking for a quality book, and a possibly a quality finish to a major Marvel Universe crossover.
9.5 out of 10
Least Favorite: Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost
*Warning Possible Spoiler Alert*

This is a 64 page comic, and I feel as though the action that I expected from it didnt begin until the last 10 pages or so. The majority of the comic focused on setting the back story of Aladdin, as well as the main villian Qassim. I think that the background info could have been condenced into about 10-15 pages and then the actual story could have begun and lasted the majority of the book instead of the opposite.
I think that the next book should deliver what I was expecting in this book, which will be good cause I will definitely be finishing the series. I think that the story as a whole has the potential to be awesome, and maybe would have been better if it was collected into one book instead of 3.
I did like the books packaging though, I have never got a square bound book before so it was new and exciting. Also the fact that it was released by radical was cool because i like getting books from smaller companies.
But despite all of the good, it was the content of the book that I am rating and it just wasnt there in my opinion which just disappointed me.
5.5 of out 10
Monday, February 8
Third Eye Blind finally releases a good video
Sunday, February 7
Saturday, February 6
Friday, February 5
Thursday, February 4
Google Image Search Picture of the Day
Last night Jared and few of our friends (not tim, cause jared is a jerk) went out to eat and then went bowling. When bowling there was a banner up with the name of a guy who bowled a perfect 300 during a game. His name is Cliff Munson, which is an hilarious name and Jared wishes he had it. Anyways, I searched his name on Google and this is what I found.

Tuesday, February 2
I'm going to share with everyone what I ate for
breakfast this morning:
Want to buy a 4 pack of cereal for $25 from amazon!?? this link will take you there! amazing!!
Cornbread's Favorite and Least Favorite Comics of the Week - 1/27
January 27th, 2010
Seems like everyone had a big week this week.
Here are the titles that I picked up:
Green Lantern #50
Avengers: The Initiative #32 (Siege Tie-In)
New Avengers # 61 (Siege Tie-In)
X-Force #23 (Necrosha X Tie-In)
X-Men Legacy #232 (Necrosha X Tie-In)
Secret Warriors #12
Daredevil #504
Spiderman Clone Saga #5 of 6
Fantastic 4 #575
Hawkeye # 5 of 5 FINALLY
Amazing Spiderman # 619 (Gauntlet Tie-In)
Ms. Marvel #49
Favorite Title of the Week: Daredevil #504
*Warning* Possible Spoiler Alert
I just started reading Daredevil at issue 500 and I have been pleased with my choice to start reading it. Matt Murdock decided to take on the task of leading the deadly ninja clan the hand in order to stop the ninja army from falling into the hands of the Kingpin, also realizing that he needed the Hand as much as they needed him.
Daredevil decided that he would utilize the Hand to wage war on the corruption that has been spreading through the NYPD and the city government. Although Matt was able to stop the Hand from falling into the hands of the Kingpin, its not the last we have heard of good ol' Wilson Fisk. He has vowed to get his revenge on Daredevil and as the issues move on, is setting up a meticulous plan to gain control of the underworld, the Hand, and even Daredevil himself.
Although the Hand is proving to be a vital asset to Daredevil, but their harsh ways are taking its toll on Matt and his stern moral standpoint.
In this issue, Daredevil has decided to bring his war to the head honco himself, Norman Osborn and decides to wage a pre-emptive strike against him. This ultimately leads to Osborn's retaliation by sending Hammer troops against the hand and an all out battle breaks out. As soon as the battle begins it is over though, leaving the reader to use his imagination as to what exactly happened during the battle. The issue ends showing that Daredevil might have ditched his moral bounds with a pretty disturbing final page, but I wont ruin that for whoever is reading this, ill let you see if for yourself. And if you have read this issue, you understand how great this ending was.
This is the first book I've read from Andy Diggle, and I have not been let down yet and do not expect to be any time soon. As for the art of Roberto De la Torre, his dark and shadowy art is just what this books needs. It perfectly shows the deep dark emotions that are featured in this title and the darker color shades he uses give the pages that ominous feeling that Daredevil needs. In addition, the Cover art on this issue makes it hard to look away. Esad Ribic does a great job showing the emotional and moral trama Daredevil is facing, and the detail in his suit is sick...literally. It is a bit disturbing that you can see the individual bones in his spine, but its pretty cool at the same time.
9.6 out of 10
Least Favorite Title of the Week: Fantastic 4 #575
*Warning* Possible Spoiler Alert
Its hard for me to say that FF is my least favorite from this week, considering it is usually one of my more favorite titles. Right off the bat I want to say despite it was my least favorite, it is in no way a bad book. I enjoyed Hickman's writing just like I usually do, and you cant go wrong with Eaglesham's art. The main this that bothered me is that they left you with such an interesting plot point at the end of the last issue and did nothing with it.
At the end of the last issue, Val was contacted from Future Franklin, which was pretty cool if you ask me and I was very excited to see what was going to happen next with this story line, but I got no such satisfaction. Instead, I get a story about Moleman and the underground people. Although it was pretty cool, just wasn't what I wanted, thus leaving me highly disappointed.
I still can't tell if this was just a stand alone issue, or are they going to do more with the underground world storyline? I think it may be just a single issue story considering they had the little 4 in the bottom right hand corner instead of a to be continued and the fact that there is a little disclaimer after the last page leads me to believe that this is a lost storyline, at least till later maybe.
The thing I think that bothered me the most out of everything, was actually not part of the comic (I mean, it was but kinda not really). Anyways, in the issue when they are traveling to this lost city of the underworld, Reed mentions that he knows where he is going because it is where he buried Galactus from the Future. The picture was pretty freakin' sweet if you ask me, its hard to beat a mummified Galactus, but the thing that really bothered me is that they used this picture as the add for the issue in almost every other comic I read this week. What I mentioned before about what Reed said is the only reference to it, and is the only time this dead Galactus is shown. Like, if I had seen this add prior to reading the issue and/or buying the issue, I would have been so angry at the fact that it had nothing to do with Galactus at all.
6 out of 10
I hope you all enjoyed listening to my opinions about these comics, Ill be doing these reviews weekly so stay tuned for the next installment!